1 General
2 Service concepts
3 Customer access to telecommunication services supported by an ISDN
4 Capabilities to support a telecommunication service
5 Telecommunication service classification
5.2 Bearer services supported by an ISDN
5.3 Teleservices supported by an ISDN
5.4 Supplementary services supported by an ISDN
6 Provision of telecommunication services
ANNEX A - Structure for prose service definition and description - Step 1.1 of description method (Recommendation I.130)
A.1 Structure of prose service definition and description
A.2 Explanation of the terms and content of the items in the service prose definition and description
ANNEX B - List of attributes and their possible values for describing bearer services - Step 1.2 of description method (Recommendation I.130)
B.1 Framework for the static description of bearer services supported by an ISDN
B.2 List of bearer service attributes
ANNEX C - List of attributes and their possible values for describing teleservices - Step 1.2 of description method (Recommendation I.130)
C.1 Framework for the static description of teleservices supported by an ISDN
C.2 List of the teleservice attributes
ANNEX D - Dynamic description of the service using graphic means – Step 1.3 of description method (Recommendation I.130)
D.1 Introduction
D.2 Overall specifications and description language (OSDL) diagrams