Recommendation ITU-T H.861.0 (V2) (01/2024) Requirements on communication platform for multimedia brain information
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Background
     6.1 Usage of brain information
     6.2 Distribution of brain information
     6.3 Key items for standardization
     6.4 Examples of formats of brain data
7 Exchange of multimedia information of the brain
     7.1 Basic concepts of the MBI communication platform
          7.1.1 An ecosystem for multilateral analysis of brain status
          7.1.2 An ecosystem for intervention methods for brain healthcare
     7.2 Capabilities of the MBI platform
     7.3 Functional framework for the MBI platform
8 Requirements
     8.1 General
     8.2 Access
          8.2.1 ID management
          8.2.2 Permission management
     8.3 Exchange
          8.3.1 Transmission protocol
     8.4 Browsing
          8.4.1 MRI data format
          8.4.2 Metadata format
     8.5 Security
Annex A  Functional framework for the MBI platform
     A.1 Users of the MBI platform
          A.1.1 End-user
          A.1.2 MBI service support
     A.2 Application functions
          A.2.1 Application management functions
          A.2.2 Common application functions
               A.2.2.1 Browsing functions
               A.2.2.2 Editing functions
          A.2.3 MBI data analysis functions
               A.2.3.1 Imaging data analysis functions
               A.2.3.2 Data analysis functions
     A.3 Access management functions
          A.3.1 ID management functions
          A.3.2 Permission management functions
          A.3.3 User profile
     A.4 MBI data management functions
          A.4.1 Imaging data management functions
          A.4.2 Data management functions
          A.4.3 Imaging data
          A.4.4 Vital health data
          A.4.5 Questionnaire data
          A.4.6 Analysis data
     A.5 Network functions
Appendix I  A practical use-case: illustrative brain healthcare service models
Appendix II  References for security guidelines of MBI platform
     II.1 Examples of security guidelines
Appendix III  An example of MBI platform: MICCS
     III.1 General overview of MICCS
Appendix IV  An example of MBI platform: MIP
Appendix V  An example of MBI platform: XNAT