SummaryThis specification defines the additional design guidelines for the Authenticated Persistent Session (APS), whose function is to provide a secure, long-lived, persistent bidirectional data channel between the health and fitness services application and a PHG application, suitable for sending unsolicited commands to the PHG or to devices connected via the PHG. Recommendation ITU-T H.812.4 is part of the "ITU-T H.810 interoperability design guidelines for personal connected health systems" subseries that covers the following areas: � ITU-T H.811 � Interoperability design guidelines for personal connected health systems: Personal health devices interface design guidelines � ITU-T H.812 � Interoperability design guidelines for personal connected health systems: Services interface design guidelines � ITU-T H.812.1 � Interoperability design guidelines for personal connected health systems: Services interface: Observation upload capability � ITU-T H.812.2 � Interoperability design guidelines for personal connected health systems: Services interface: Questionnaires capability � ITU-T H.812.3 � Interoperability design guidelines for personal connected health systems: Services interface: Capability exchange capability � ITU-T H.812.4 � Interoperability design guidelines for personal connected health systems: Services interface: Authenticated Persistent Session capability � ITU-T H.813 � Interoperability design guidelines for personal connected health systems: Healthcare information system interface design guidelines |