�0���� Introduction�� vi
������� 0.1���� Organization�� vi
������� 0.2���� CDC guideline releases and versioning� vii
������� 0.3���� What's new��� vii
�1���� Scope��
�2���� References�
�3���� Definitions�
�4���� Abbreviations and acronyms�
�5 ����Conventions�
�6���� Use cases�
������� 6.1���� AHD obtains WAN device information��
������� 6.2���� WAN device receives AHD information��
�7���� Behavioural models�
�8���� Implementation��
������� 8.1���� Overview���
������� 8.2���� Root file exchange��
��� ����8.3���� Contents of the root file��
������� 8.4���� Optional JSON version of root file��
Annex A � Normative guidelines����
Appendix I � Root file inclusions for capability exchange (This appendix does
not form an integral part of this Recomemndation.)
������ I.1 Required root file inclusions for WAN device����
������ I.2 Schema for the root.xml����
������ I.3 Required root file inclusions for AHD����
Appendix II � hData (This appendix does not form an integral part of this