�2���� References
������� 2.1���� Normative references
������� 2.2���� Informative references
�3���� Definitions
�4���� Abbreviations and acronyms
�5���� Overload Control Package
������� 5.1���� Properties
������� 5.2���� Events
�� ���������������5.2.1���� MG_Overload
�6���� Signals
�7���� Statistics
�8���� Procedures
������� 8.1���� Actions at overloaded MG (or
virtual MG)
������� 8.2���� Actions at an MGC
����������������� 8.2.1���� Control initiation at an MGC
����������������� 8.2.2���� Call restriction method at an MGC
����������������� 8.2.3���� Adaptation of admitted calling rate at an MGC
����������������� 8.2.4���� Termination of control at an MGC
����������������� 8.2.5���� Use of priorities at an MGC
������� 8.3���� Bounding MG response times in the
������� 8.4���� Bounding offered rates to MG
during initial overload transient
������� 8.5���� Range of overload scenarios
�9���� Management requirements for
������� 9.1���� An approximate performance analysis
of leaky bucket restrictors
������� 9.2���� Configuration of leaky bucket
restrictors at MGC
������� 9.3���� Configuration of proprietary
parameters relating to overload detection at an MG
������� 9.4���� Configuration of proprietary
parameters relating to control activation at an MGC
������� 9.5���� Configuration of proprietary
parameters relating to adaptation of admitted rate at an MGC
������� 9.6���� Configuration of control
termination at an MGC
������� 9.7���� MGC statistics