�1���� Scope
�2���� Procedures
������� 2.1���� C&I codes provided in Recommendation H.221
������� 2.2���� Other C&I codes
����������������� 2.2.1���� SBE method
����������������� 2.2.2���� Double and triple SBE symbols
����������������� 2.2.3���� MBE method
�3���� Definitions of C&I symbols
������� 3.1���� C&I related to video
������� 3.2���� C&I related to audio
������� 3.3���� C&I for maintenance purposes
������� 3.4���� SBE numbers and characters
������� 3.5���� SBE and MBE symbols used in multipoint working (see Recommendation H.243)
������� 3.6���� SBE symbols used in channel aggregation and restricted network situations
������� 3.7���� Symbols used in the transfer of network addresses (Recommendation H.242)
������� 3.8���� Symbols used in the indication of mode preferences (Recommendation H.242)
������� 3.9���� Symbols for other purposes
�4���� Requirements for C&I