Table of Contents

1)���� Clause 2, References�������������
�2���� References�
2)���� Clause, Generation of LPDUs
3)���� Clause, Segment sequence number (SSN)���
4)���� Clause, LLC frame boundary offset (LFBO)��������������
5)���� Clause, Oldest pending segment flag (OPSF)�������������
6)���� Clause 8.2.3, TXOP timing����
7)���� Clause, Use of RTS/CTS signalling���
8)���� Clause 8.3.7, Bidirectional transmissions��������
9)���� Clause 8.5.3, Routing of ADPs������������
10)���� Clause 8.5.4, Broadcast of LLC frames����������
11)���� Clause, Relaying of LCDU���
12)���� Clause, Relaying of APDU���
13)���� Clause 8.6, Domain master node functional capabilities����������
14)���� Clause, Description of TSpec parameters��������
15)���� Clause, Flow maintenance�
16)���� Clause, Format of CL_EstablishFlow.req�����
17)���� Clause, Format of CL_EstablishFlow.cnf�����
18)���� Clause, Format of FL_AdmitFlow.req (from ITU-T G.9961 Corrigendum 1)�����
19)���� Clause, Format of TM_NodeTopologyChange.ind (from ITU-T G.9961 Corrigendum 1)����
20)���� Clause, Selection and maintenance of the DNI (from ITU-T G.9961 Corrigendum 1)����
21)���� Clause, Domain master selection at initialization���������
22)���� Clause 8.6.7, Selection of PHY-frame header segmentation�����
23)���� Clause, Selection and maintenance of the DNI��������������
24)���� Clause 8.8.1, MAP generation and distribution, and clause 8.8.2, MAP frame transmission (both taken from G.9961 Corrigendum 1)����
25)���� Clause 8.8.3, MAP header��
26)���� Clause, TXOP attributes extension data��������
27)���� Clause, CBTS nodes information Extension Data������
28)���� Clause 8.8.5, Auxiliary information field������
29)���� Clause, Domain name sub-field����������
30) ����Clause, PSD-related domain info sub-field�����
31)���� New clause, NMK_DB_update sub-field�������
32)���� Clause 8.8.6, MAP schedule persistence publication�
33)���� Clause, Multicast acknowledgement procedure������������
34)���� Clause, Transmitter variables and control flags, and clause, Receiver variables and control flags����
35)���� Clause, Acknowledgement protocol state machine for unicast transmission��������
36)���� Clause, Transmission window operation������
37)���� Clause 8.10.1, Management message format (from ITU-T G.9961 Corrigendum 1)����������
38)���� Clause 8.10.2, Control message format����������
39)���� Clause 8.11, Channel estimation protocol (from ITU-T G.9961 Corrigendum 1)��������������
������ 8.11���� Channel estimation protocol����
40)� ���Clause, Channel estimation initiation (from ITU-T G.9961 Corrigendum 1)������
41)���� Clause, Channel estimation initiation confirmation (from ITU-T G.9961 Corrigendum 1)����
42)���� Clause, Channel estimation request (from ITU-T G.9961 Corrigendum 1)����������
43)���� Clause, Partial BAT update (from ITU-T G.9961 Corrigendum 1)���������
44)���� Clause 8.11.4, Channel estimation using PROBE frames (from ITUT G.9961 Corrigendum 1)����
45)���� Clause, Format of CE_ParamUpdate.req��������
46)���� Clause, Format of CE_Initiation.req, and clause, Format of CE_Initiation.cnf (both taken from ITU-T G.9961 Corrigendum 1)����
47)���� Clause 8.12.7, Reset of a unicast connection with acknowledgements��
48)���� New clause 8.12.9, Multicast data connection�������������
49)���� Clause 8.16.1, Initialization of a PHY multicast group (from ITU-T G.9961 Corrigendum 1)����
50)���� Clause 8.16.2, Maintenance of multicast binding information (from ITU-T G.9961 Corrigendum 1)����
51)���� Clause 8.17.1, DLL multicast stream establishment (from ITU-T G.9961 Corrigendum 1)�������������
52)���� New clause 8.18, Inter-bandplan interoperability�������
53)���� New clause 8.19, Version control and capabilities exchange���
54)���� Clause, Input variables���������
55)���� Clause, CCMP header������������
����� Page
56)���� Clause 9.2.1, Authentication and key management procedures��������������
57)���� Clause 9.2.2, Authentication to the domain���
58)���� Clause, Authentication����������
59)���� Clause, The PAK protocol parameters��������������
60)���� Clause, Generation of point-to-point and point-to-multipoint encryption keys���
61)���� Clause 9.2.4, Updating and termination of encryption keys�����
62)���� Clause 9.2.5, Messages supporting AKM procedures�
63)���� Clause, Pair-wise authentication messages������
64)���� Clause, Key updating messages����������
65)���� Clause A.1.1, Frame conversion�������
66)���� New Annex V, Versioning dependencies of ITU-T G.9961������
Annex V � Versioning dependencies of ITU-T G.9961����