�1���� Scope
�2���� References
�3���� Definitions
������� 3.1���� Terms defined elsewhere
������� 3.2���� Terms defined in this Recommendation
�4���� Abbreviations and acronyms
�5���� Conventions
�6���� Transmitted output voltage specifications relating to the
3 kHz�148.5 kHz band
�7���� Transmitted output voltage specifications relating to the
148.5 kHz�535 kHz band����
������� 7.1���� Artificial mains network
Annex A � Power spectral density specifications for G.hnem transceivers
������� A.1���� Frequency band specifications
������� A.2���� Transmit power spectral density mask
Annex B � Power spectral density specifications for G3-PLC transceivers
������� B.1���� Frequency band specifications
������� B.3���� Transmit power spectral density mask
Annex C � Power spectral density specifications for PRIME transceivers
������� C.1���� Introduction
������� C.2���� PHY parameters
������� C.3���� CENELEC bandplan