�1���� Scope
�2���� References
�3���� Definitions
�4���� Electrical and physical interface requirements
�5���� Procedural interface requirements
�6���� Services and architecture aspects and requirements
������� 6.1���� On-demand services
������� 6.2���� Permanent Line (PL) capability
������� 6.3���� Semi-permanent leased line
������� 6.4���� Permanent leased line services
�7���� Control and provisioning
������� 7.1���� Control principles
������� 7.2���� Provisioning strategy and requirements
�8��� �Protocol architecture and multiplexing structure
������� 8.1���� Functional description
������� 8.2���� Protocol requirements for PSTN and ISDN
������� 8.3���� Time slots
������� 8.4���� Time slot allocation for communication channels
������� 8.5���� Layer 2 sublayering and multiplexing on communication channels
������� 8.6���� Layer 3 Multiplexing
������� 8.7���� Congestion control
�9���� Envelope Function Sublayer of LAPV5 (LAPV5-EF)
������� 9.1���� Frame structure for peer-to-peer communication
������� 9.2���� Format of fields for data link envelope peer-to-peer communication
10���� Data Link Sublayer of LAPV5 (LAPV5-DL)
������ 10.1���� Frame structure for peer-to-peer communication
������ 10.2���� Invalid frames
������ 10.3���� Elements of procedures and formats of fields for data link sublayer peer-to-peer������ ��������� communication
������ 10.4���� Definition of the peer-to-peer procedures of the data link sublayer
11���� AN Frame Relay sublayer
������ 11.1���� General
������ 11.2���� Invalid frames
������ 11.3���� Detailed description of the AN Frame Relay function
12���� Sublayer-to-sublayer communication and mapping function
������ 12.1���� LAPV5-EF to LAPV5-DL communication
������ 12.2���� LAPV5-DL to LAPV5-EF communication
������ 12.3���� AN-FR to LAPV5-EF communication
������ 12.4���� LAPV5-EF to AN-FR communication
13���� PSTN signalling protocol specification and layer 3 multiplexing
������ 13.1���� General
������ 13.2���� PSTN protocol entity definition
������ 13.3���� PSTN protocol message definition and content
������ 13.4���� General message format and information element coding
������ 13.5���� PSTN call control procedures
������ 13.6���� List of system parameters
������ 13.7���� AN and LE side state tables
14���� Control requirements and protocol
� �����14.1���� ISDN user port status indication and control protocol
������ 14.2���� PSTN user port status indication and control protocol
������ 14.3���� Interface layer 1 maintenance requirements and protocol
������ 14.4���� Control protocol
������ 14.5� ���V5.1-Re-provisioning procedures
Annex A�Servicescenarios, architecture and functional definition of access arrangements with an AN at the LE���� 
������� A.1���� Conclusions on multiple V5-interface applications
������� A.2���� Conclusions on architecture aspects
������� A.3���� Implementation of QAN
������� A.4���� Requirements for the support of the PL capability through an ISDN basic access
������� A.5���� Assumptions and requirements for the support of semi-permanent leased lines
Annex B � Use of the protocol information elements for national PSTN protocols
������� B.1���� Introduction
������� B.2���� The placement of information elements
������� B.3���� The information elements
������� B.4���� Signalling sequences in the event of failures of a V5.1-interface to return a user port to the idle condition before releasing the signalling path
������� B.5���� Leaving the BLOCKED state
������� B.6���� Pre‑defined PSTN port states
������� B.7���� The Line parked condition
������� B.8���� Information element meaning
������� B.9���� Coding of pulse duration types
������ B.10���� Ring signals and their placement in V5-messages
������ B.11���� Resource unavailable
������ B.12���� Information flow diagrams
������ B.13���� Use of Function Element (FE) primitives in the V5-PSTN protocol
Annex C � Basic requirements of the system management functions in the AN and the LE
������� C.1���� Procedure for the ISDN basic access continuity test
������ C.11���� Provisioning verification
������ C.12���� Re-provisioning synchronization
������ C.13���� System startup
������ C.14���� Restart procedure
������ C.15���� Data link activation procedure
������ C.16���� Data link reset
������ C.17���� Data link failure
������ C.18���� Control protocol layer 3 protection mechanism error
������ C.19���� States in the system management procedures
������ C.20���� Timers in the system management entity
Annex D � Protocol architecture for PSTN and ISDN user port control
������� D.1���� Scope
������� D.2���� ISDN user port status control
� ������D.3���� PSTN user port control
Annexe E � Structures used in the V5.1-interface
Annex F � The concept and requirements for the upgrade of an interface V5.1 into an interface V5.2
Annex G � Abbreviations
Annex H � AN requirement for pulse dialing
Annex I � Layer 3 error detection procedure
������� I.1���� Variables and sequence numbers
������� I.2���� Values of counters and timers
������� I.3���� Procedures
������� I.4���� Examples of the Error Detection Mechanism
Appendix I � Bibliography