�1���� Introduction
������� 1.1���� Scope
������� 1.2���� Structure of this Recommendation
������� 1.3���� References
������� 1.4���� Definitions
������� 1.5���� Abbreviations
�2���� Scenarios for radio digital section integration into SDH
������ �2.1���� Architecture description
������� 2.2���� Architectural principles
������� 2.3���� Digital sections at 51.84 Mbit/s and other sub-STM-1 bit rates
�3���� Satellite system as a wide-area SDH network node
������� 3.1���� Architecture description
���� ���3.2���� Architectural principles
������� 3.3���� Examples of satellite-system based digital cross-connects
����������������� 3.3.1���� Wide-area cross-connect with various S-IOS rates
����������������� 3.3.2���� Wide-area cross-connect with 51.84 Mbit/s S-IOS
�4���� Guidelines for constructing sub-STM-1 multiplex structures and radio section layers���������� 
������� 4.1���� General
������� 4.2���� SDH multiplex conversion
������� 4.3���� Functions of radio section overhead (SOH)
������� 4.4���� Media specific equipment interfaces (REI, SEI)
�5���� SDH management aspects
������� 5.1���� Network layer management principles
������� 5.2���� General requirements
������� 5.3���� NE layer management facilities
������� 5.4���� Bandwidth efficiency
������� 5.5���� Management communications and interfaces