Rec. ITU-T G.8275/Y.1369 (10/2020) Architecture and requirements for packet-based time and phase distribution
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 General introduction to packet-based time/phase distribution
     6.1 Requirements for packet-based time and phase distribution
7 Architecture of packet-based time/phase distribution
     7.1 Packet-based time and phase distribution
     7.2 Time/phase protection aspects
          7.2.1 Packet master protection
          7.2.2 Packet slave protection
      Protection scenario 1
      Protection scenario 2
      Protection scenario 3
     7.3 Packet network partitioning
8 Security aspects
9 Management aspects
Annex A  Time/phase models based on ITU-T G.805
Annex B  Inclusion of a virtual PTP port on a PTP clock
Annex C  Options to establish the PTP topology with the alternate BMCA
Annex D  Synchronization uncertain indication (optional)
Appendix I  Architecture for time and phase distribution over a packet network providing PTS at the protocol level
     I.1 Architecture for PTS
          I.1.1 Timing distribution architecture
          I.1.2 Timing protection aspects
          I.1.3 Partitioning across multiple administrative domains
          I.1.4 Use of multiple underlying technologies
Appendix II  An example of PRTC switching by the BMCA in a ring network
Appendix III  Generic IWF node
     III.1 Introduction
     III.2 Inter-working between the [ITU-T G.8275.1] and [ITU-T G.8275.2] profiles
     III.3 Generation of the physical layer frequency signal by the IWF
Appendix IV  Use cases for mapping from PTP clockClass values to quality levels
     IV.1 Use case I
     IV.2 Use case II
Appendix V  Deployment examples and the use of partially aware clock types
Appendix VI  cnPRTC functional architecture
     VI.1 Introduction
     VI.2 cnPRTC functional architecture
Appendix VII  cnPRTC deployment scenarios
Appendix VIII  Description of PTP clock modes and associated contents of Announce messages
     VIII.1 Purpose of this appendix
     VIII.2 Description of the modes
     VIII.3 Example of mapping between PTP port states and PTP clock modes for a 3-port T-BC/T-BC-P/T-BC-A
     VIII.4 T-GM Announce message contents based on the internal PTP clock modes
     VIII.5 T-BC/T-BC-P/T-BC-A Announce message contents based on the internal PTP clock modes