SummaryRecommendation ITU-T G.806 specifies the methodology, generic functionality and components that should be used in order to specify transport network functionality of network elements; it does not specify individual transport network equipment as such. It is the baseline Recommendation for other standards that specify the characteristics of equipment for specific transport networks (e.g., synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH), plesiochronous digital hierarchy (PDH)). Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation ITU-T G.806 (2012) clarifies: ����������� Degraded threshold (DEGTHR) for higher rate interfaces than STM-16. ����������� Wait To Restore (WTR) timer value. Corrigendum 2 to Recommendation ITU-T G.806 modifies all SDL diagrams described in this Recommendation to align with the conventions specified in Recommendation ITU T Z.100 (2016). �It also updates the listings of references in clause 2 and the bibliography. Corrigendum 3 to Recommendation ITU-T G.806 updates: ����������� Table 7-1 to correct the default values for MI_DEGTHR and MI_DEGM. ����������� Clause 5.6.3 and Table 7-1 for the use of MI_Active. Amendment 1 to Recommendation ITU-T G.806 updates: ����������� Clause 6.1 to indicate that TPmode and portmode are applicable only to SDH and PDH and superseded for new development (e.g., OTN). ����������� Table 7-1 to remove the columns for TPmode and portmode ����������� New Appendix IX to describe the behaviour of TPmode and portmode that are moved from clause 6.1.