�1���� Objective
Principles of the scheme of nomenclature
Summary of the descriptive terms used
������� 3.1���� One-port networks
������� 3.2���� Two-port networks
������� 3.3���� Signal generating devices
������� 3.4���� Signal receiving devices
Definitions and measuring techniques based on idealized measuring
������� 4.1���� One-port networks
������� 4.2���� Two-port networks
������� 4.3���� Signal generating devices
������� 4.4���� Signal receiving devices
Other measurement definitions
������� 5.1���� Common-mode rejection ratio
Annex A � Aspects of conversion from longitudinal to transversal signals at
analogue ports in some practical cases
������� A.1���� Introduction
������� A.2���� Calculation of the longitudinal conversion loss
������� A.3���� The difference between LCLc and LCLm in a
practical case � two examples
������� A.4���� Additional Insight into Longitudinal Conversion Loss