�1���� Introduction
End-to-end transmission time limits
Transmission time allocation
Annex A - Delay
estimation for circuits
������� A.1���� Planning values of transmission time
������� A.2���� National extension circuits
������� A.3���� International circuits
������� A.4���� Codec delay
����������������� A.4.1���� Delay in wirebound environment
����������������� A.4.2���� Delay in mobile and wireless environment
����������������� A.4.3���� Delay in IP environment (one frame per
����������������� A.4.4���� Delay in IP environment (multiple frames
per packet)
������� A.5���� Delay due to IP delay variation buffer
Annex B - Long
delay considerations for telephone, videotelephone� and videoconference circuits
������� B.1���� Introduction
������� B.2���� Effect of long transmission delays on the subscriber
����������������� B.2.1���� Effects of echo cancellers
����������������� B.2.2���� Effects of delay on dynamics of
����������� ������B.2.3���� Interaction
between delay and user applications
������� B.3���� Summary and conclusions
Appendix I - Delay
introduced by coder-related processing
Appendix II -