�1���� Scope and application
������� 1.1���� Network performance assessment
������� 1.2���� Application performance assessment
������� 1.3���� Perceptual models
������� 1.4���� Framework for models in the end-to-end performance assessment process
�2���� References
�3���� Abbreviations
�4���� Evaluation of end-user QoS
Annex A � Opinion model for web-browsing applications
������� A.1���� Scope
������� A.2���� Introduction
������� A.3���� Subjective web browse quality experiment and results
���� ���A.4���� Modelling results
������� A.6���� References to Annex A
Appendix I � Estimates of network performance with limited information
������� I.1���� �� Introduction
������� I.2���� �� Reference connection
������� I.3���� �� Concatenation of packet transfer performance values
������� I.4���� �� Bottleneck bandwidth
������� I.5���� �� Handshaking time
������� I.6���� �� Application example: HTTP transaction
������� I.7���� �� Summary
������� I.8���� �� References to Appendix I