�1���� Telex conversation mode
�2���� Access to the public telegram service
�3���� User class-of-service
�4���� Public telex booth
�5���� Outgoing only terminal
�6���� Incoming only terminal
�7���� Access barred
�8���� Restricted service
�9���� Priority
10���� Absolute priority
11���� Priority for called subscriber
12���� In-local override
13���� Direct outgoing selection
14���� Direct incoming selection
15���� Direct incoming selection with integrated numbering
16���� Direct incoming selection with two-stage selection
17���� Closed user group
18���� Partially closed user group
19���� User facility
20���� Automatic calling
21���� Automatic answering
22���� Manual answering
23���� Automatic identification
24���� Line identification by the network
25���� Automatic date and time indication
26���� Indication of duration
27���� Indication of charge
28���� Statement of call account
29���� Shared terminal
30���� Accounts for shared terminal
31���� Storage of call content
32���� Retrieval of stored call content
33���� Statistics on request
34���� Recorded message
35���� Camp-on: connect when free
36���� Camp-on with recall
37���� Absent subscriber service (in telegraphy and data communication)
38���� Call re-direction
39���� Changed address interception
40���� Store-and-forward
41���� Storage installation
42���� Redirection address
43���� Delayed delivery
44���� Message priority
45���� Message spacing
46���� Header
47���� Booked call
48���� Network recall
49���� Multi-address call
50���� Conference call
51���� Broadcast call
52���� Restricted conference call
53���� Broadcast conference call
54���� Prefix
55���� Escape code