�1���� Scope����������
�2���� References
�3���� Definitions
������� 3.1���� Terms defined elsewhere�������
������� 3.2���� Terms defined in this Recommendation�����������
�4���� Abbreviations and acronyms�������������
�5���� Conventions������������
�6���� Traffic forecasting and network dimensioning applied to major events����������
������� 6.1���� Considerations for traffic forecasting in major events�
������� 6.2���� Considerations for network dimensioning in major events�������
�7���� Strategies of QoS and QoE measurement during major events�����������
������� 7.1���� Considerations for network quality audit prior the major events�����������
������� 7.2���� Considerations for network quality monitoring during major
�8���� Relevant KPIs to be measured in the context of major events�������������
������ �8.1���� Critical KPIs���
������� 8.2���� Diagnostic KPIs������������
�9���� Capabilities and levels to assure users satisfaction in the context of
major events�����
Appendix I � Quality measurement in 2014 FIFA World Cup����
������� I.1���� ������������ Introduction������
������� I.2��� ������������� FIFA World Cup 2014 context����
Appendix II � Traffic forecasting and network dimensioning in African Cup of
Nations 2008����
������ II.1���� Pre-event network audit����������
������ II.2���� Traffic demand estimation������
������ II.3���� Network resource provisioning and expansion
Appendix III � Quality measurement in 2016 Summer Olympics����
����� III.1���� Introduction��
����� III.2���� 2016 Summer Olympics context�����������
����� III.3���� Considerations for the assessment of coverage and capacity����