�2��� �References�
�3��� �Definitions��
�4��� �Abbreviations and acronyms��������
�5��� �Conventions�����
�6��� �Methodology for identification of QoS criteria and parameters������
������ �6.1��� �General considerations�������
������ �6.2��� �Identification of user's QoS criteria�
������ �6.3��� �Conversion of QoS criteria to QoS parameters������
������ �6.4��� �Publication of QoS parameters�������
������ �6.5��� �Practical issues when using QoS parameters�����������
�7��� �Measurement of QoS parameters�
������ �7.1��� �Objective measurements����
������ �7.2��� �Subjective measurements���
������ �7.3��� �Who should perform the measurements������
�8��� �Guidelines for defining quality objectives���
������ �8.1��� �General considerations�������
������ �8.2��� �Defining initial quality objectives�����
������ �8.3��� �Defining target values���������
������ �8.4��� �Tuning quality objectives����
������ �8.5��� �Verification of QoS objectives�������
Appendix I � References for the development of QoS metrics and examples of QoS
parameters��� �
������ �I.1��� ��� Examples of QoS parameters�������
������ �I.2��� ��� Development of QoS metrics�������
Appendix II � Quality objectives��� �
����� �II.1��� �Voice telephony and voiceband services�����
����� �II.2��� �Services over packet-based networks��������
Appendix III � Examples for the usage of the three models��� �
���� �III.1��� �Universal model�����
���� �III.2��� �Performance model
���� �III.3��� �Four-market model��� �