�1���� Introduction
������� 1.1���� Overview
������� 1.2���� General guide to concepts
������� 1.3���� General performance concepts
�2���� General terminology
������� 2.1���� Service related performance
������� 2.2���� Item related performance
������� 2.3���� Common concepts
�3���� Quality of service terminology
������� 3.1���� Service support
������� 3.2���� Service operability
������� 3.3���� Serveability
������� 3.4���� Service security
�4���� Network performance terminology
������� 4.1���� Trafficability
������� 4.2���� Dependability
������� 4.3���� Transmission
������� 4.4���� Charging
�5���� Evaluation concepts
������� 5.1���� Common concepts
������� 5.2���� Measure modifiers
������� 5.3���� Events and states
������� 5.4���� Statistical concepts
������� 5.5���� Maintenance concepts
������� 5.6���� Time concepts
������� 5.7���� Test, data, design and analysis concepts
Annex A  �  Related QoS/NP Handbooks and E-Series Recommendations
Annex B  �  Relations between defect, failure and fault concepts
Annex� C  �  List of recommended symbols and abbreviations
Index  �  Alphabetical list of definitions contained in this Recommendation