�1���� Scope of this Recommendation
Terms and definitions
������� 5.1���� Overview of network operation
������� 5.2���� Outline of this Recommendation
Categories of routing methods
������� 6.1���� Fixed routing methods
������� 6.2���� Time-dependent routing methods
������� 6.3���� State-dependent routing methods
������� 6.4���� Event-dependent routing methods
Network dimensioning elements
End-to-end GOS objectives
Modelling of offered traffic
������� 9.1���� Traffic variables
������� 9.2���� Models for variations in traffic load
10���� Principles of network
dimensioning methods
������ 10.1���� Basic iterative procedure
������ 10.2��� �Principle of the fixed
point model
������ 10.3���� Use of implied cost and shadow price for network dimensioning
11���� Network dimensioning methods for
fixed routing networks
������ 11.1���� Blocking calculation methods
������ 11.2���� Determination of design variables
12���� Network dimensioning methods for
time-dependent routing networks
������ 12.1���� Blocking calculation methods
������ 12.2���� Determination of design variables
13���� Network dimensioning methods for
state-dependent routing networks
������ 13.1���� Blocking calculation methods
������ 13.2���� Determination of design
14���� Network dimensioning methods for
event-dependent routing networks
������ 14.1���� Blocking calculation methods
������ 14.2����� Determination of design variables
15���� History
16���� Bibliography
Annex A � Network forecasting and network servicing methods for dynamic routing
������� A.1���� Introduction
������� A.2���� Forecasting methods for time-dependent routing networks
������� A.3���� Forecasting methods for state-dependent and event-dependent
routing networks
������� A.4���� Servicing methods
Annex B � Example methods for time-dependent routing networks
Annex C � Example method for state-dependent routing networks
������� C.1���� Network model considered
������� C.2���� Blocking probabilities evaluation
������� C.3���� Dimensioning
������� C.4���� Extension to event-dependent routing networks
Annex D � Example method for event-dependent routing networks
������� D.1���� Network model considered
������� D.2���� Implied costs method
������� D.3���� Multi-hour network dimensioning using shadow prices