�1���� Introduction
�2���� Scope
�3���� References
�4���� Definitions
�5���� Abbreviations
�6���� ITU-NAG Functions and Responsibilities
������� 6.1���� Administration and Registration of ITU-T Numbering Resources
������� 6.2���� Consultation with relevant Study Groups
������� 6.3���� Information reporting and dissemination
����������������� 6.3.1���� Publication of decisions on a regular basis
����������������� 6.3.2���� Additional report requests
������� 6.4���� Audits of Resource Administration
������� 6.5���� Ensure availability of resources
������� 6.6���� Performance Measures
������� 6.7���� National Administration Requirements
������� 6.8���� Study Group Meeting Participation
������� 6.9���� Access to Support Staff
������ 6.10���� Respond to Information Requests
������ 6.11���� Applicant Assistance
������ 6.12���� Appeals Procedures
������ 6.13���� Funding Reporting
�7���� Records Audits of ITU-NAG and the Resource Assignees
������� 7.1���� Records Audits of ITU-NAG by the appropriate Study Groups
������� 7.2���� Records Audits of the resource assignees by ITU-NAG
�8���� Appeal Procedures
Annex A - List of
ITU-T Global Numbering Resources