Rec. ITU-T E.166 (10/1992) / X.122 (09/1992) � NUMBERING PLAN INTERWORKING FOR THE E.164 AND X.121 NUMBERING PLANS
1 Introduction
2 Scope
3 References
4 Definitions
5 Abbreviations
6 Interworking
6.1 Numbering plans
6.2 Methods
6.3 Subscriber dialling procedures
6.4 Short term versus long term
6.5 Reconciliation between short and long term implementations
6.6 Internetwork implementation
6.7 Man-machine interface procedures
7 Interworking diagrams
7.1 Tutorial for Figures 2 through 28
7.2 Interworking diagrams
7.3 Diagrams
8 Recommendation history