�1���� Scope
�2���� References
�3���� Terms and definitions
�4���� Abbreviations
�5���� Characteristics of older people
�6���� OrganizationofthisRecommendation
�7���� Locating and accessing a telephone: Visual requirements
������� 7.1���� Terminal identification signs
������� 7.2���� Lighting
������� 7.3���� Operating instructions
������� 7.4���� Information displays and visual indicators
�8���� Locating and accessing a telephone: Hearing requirements
�9���� Locating and accessing a telephone: Strength, mobility and dexterity requirements
������� 9.1���� Space surrounding the telephone
������� 9.2���� Area immediately around the telephone
10���� Initialization step: Call set-up: Visual, tactile and dexterity requirements
������ 10.1���� Keypads
11���� Initialization step � Call set-up: Hearing requirements
12���� Initialization step � Call set-up: Cognitive requirements
13���� Initialization step � Call set-up: Mobility requirements
14���� Initialization step � Payment: Visual requirements
� �����14.1���� Cards
15���� Initialization step � Payment: Hearing requirements
16���� Initialization step � Payment: Tactile, strength, mobility and dexterity requirements
������ 16.1���� Location of coin, card and token slots
������ 16.2���� Cards to be inserted
������ 16.3���� Cards to be swiped
17���� Communication step: Tactile, strength, mobility and dexterity requirements
������ 17.1���� The cord connecting handset and terminal
������ 17.2���� The handset: location, weight and shape
������ 17.3���� Hands-free operation
18���� Communication phase
������ 18.1���� Mildly hard of hearing (some high frequency loss)
������ 18.2���� Moderately hard of hearing (significant loss of high frequencies and some loss of middle frequencies)
������ 18.3���� Severe hearing loss (significant loss of high and middle frequencies)
������ 18.4���� Profoundly deaf (cannot use hearing for any form of verbal communication)
19���� Next call (follow-on call): Visual, tactile, strength, mobility and dexterity requirements
������ 19.1���� Redial
������ 19.2���� New number call
20���� Terminate call: Visual requirements
������ 20.1���� Receipts
21���� Terminate call: Hearing requirements
22���� Terminate call: Tactile, strength, mobility and dexterity requirements
������ 22.1���� Retrieving remaining coins
������ 22.2���� Card retrieval
23���� Bibliography