�1���� Scope�
2���� References
�3���� Definitions����
�4���� Abbreviations�
�5���� Overall functional requirements
�6���� IEPS features��
�7���� Operational management of the IEPS���
Annex A � Features and techniques to enhance call completion����
������� A.1���� Priority dial tone
������� A.2���� Priority call setup message through national and international signalling network with call identifier����
������� A.3���� Priority indicator in bearer networks����
������� A.4���� Exemption from restrictive management controls��������
������� A.5���� Survivable access and egress from end user location to PSTN/ISDN/PLMN���
������� A.6���� IEPS user verification����
������� A.7���� Special announcements on call progress�
������� A.8���� Special routing capabilities�������
��� ����A.9���� Call forwarding��
������ A.10���� Abbreviated dialling�����
������ A.11���� Attendant override������
������ A.12���� Authorization codes�����
������ A.13���� Automatic call distribution������
������ A.14���� Call-by-call service selection����
������ A.15���� Call pickup������
������ A.16���� Call transfer�����
������ A.17���� Call waiting������
������ A.18���� Calling number identification����
Appendix I � Criteria for the selection of IEPS users����