�1���� Introduction
�3���� Collection charges
������� 3.1���� General principles
������� 3.2���� Publication of collection charges by the ITU
������� 3.3���� Changes to collection charges
������� 3.4���� Special charging arrangements
������� 3.5���� Service specific charging principles
Maritime billing
������� 4.1���� Billing responsibilities
������� 4.2���� Billing processes and associated timescales
������� 4.3���� Billing procedures
������� 4.4���� Preparation and despatch of bills
������� 4.5����
������� 4.6���� Payment of bills
������� 4.7���� Archives
������� 4.8���� Refunds
International accounting and settlement
������� 5.4���� Manual or Single-Operator (LSO) Service (see Case 3 and Case 4
������� 5.5���� Automatic and semi-automatic service (see Case 4 � satellite)
������� 5.7���� Settlement of international accounts
Annex A � Accounting authorities
Annex C � Specimen statement of maritime communication bill � �Communication
Information� Statement
Annex D � Time scales associated with the dispatch and payment of maritime
Annex E � Case studies