�1���� General considerations
������� 1.1���� Introduction
������� 1.2���� Explanation of some of the terms and expressions used in this Recommendation
����������������� 1.2.2���� conversation time
������� 1.3���� Basic principles of a new system for accounting in international telephony
������� 1.4���� Procedures
����������������� 1.4.1���� Remuneration of countries of destination
����������������� 1.4.2���� Remuneration of transit countries
����������������� 1.4.3���� Remuneration of the country of origin
������� 1.5���� Traffic unit
����������������� 1.5.1���� Definition of the traffic unit � Conversation time
����������������� 1.5.2���� Remarks
�2���� Remuneration of the Administration of the country of destination
������� 2.1���� Flat-rate price procedure
������� 2.2���� Traffic-unit price procedure
������� 2.3���� Accounting revenue division procedure
������� 2.4���� Settlement rate procedure
������� 2.5���� Termination charge procedure
������� 2.6���� Other procedures
������� 2.7���� Consideration regarding the choice of procedure
������� 2.8���� Consideration regarding choice of accounting procedure
������� 2.9���� Simplification of accounts and use of traffic sampling
�3���� Remuneration of the Administrations of transit countries
������� 3.1���� Flat-rate price procedure
������� 3.2���� Traffic-unit price procedure
������� 3.3���� Establishment of a switched-transit relation
������� 3.4���� Calculation of the remuneration to the Administration of the country of the first transit exchange on the basis of traffic units
�4���� Remuneration of the Administration of the country of origin
�5���� Notes and examples
Annex A � Differences between collection charges and accounting rates
Annex B � Examples of the various procedures for remunerating Administrations
������� B.1���� General
������� B.2���� Case 1 � Use of the accounting revenue division procedure for all traffic
����������������� B.2.2���� Direct-transit traffic
����������������� B.2.3���� Switched-transit traffic handled by the exchange in E
������� B.3���� Case 2 � Use of traffic-unit and/or flat-rate price procedure for all traffic
����������������� B.3.1���� Traffic on direct circuits
����������������� B.3.2���� Switched-transit traffic handled by the exchange in E
������� B.4���� Case 3 � Use of the accounting revenue division procedure for the direct traffic between A and B and the traffic-unit price procedure for the traffic switched via country E
����������������� B.4.2���� Traffic on direct circuits
� ����������������B.4.3���� Switched-transit traffic handled by the exchange in E
Annex C � Traffic measurement conversions from seizures or erlangs into conversation time for temporary alternative routes
������� C.1���� Conversion from seizure measurements
������� C.2���� Conversion from erlang measurements