�1���� Study groups and their relevant groups
������� 1.1���� Frequency of meetings
������� 1.2���� Coordination of work
������� 1.3���� Preparation of studies and meetings
������� 1.4���� Conduct of meetings
������� 1.5���� Liaison statements
������� 1.6���� Preparation of reports of study groups, working parties or joint working parties, Recommendations and new Questions
������� 1.7���� Definitions
�2���� Study group management
������� 2.1���� Study group structure and distribution of work
� ������2.2���� Joint coordination groups
������� 2.3���� The roles of rapporteurs
�3���� Submissionandprocessingofcontributions
������� 3.1���� Submission of contributions
������� 3.2���� Processing of contributions
������� 3.3���� Temporary documents
������� 3.4���� Electronic access
AppendixI � Rapporteur proposed work programme format
AppendixII � Rapporteur progress report format