1� Procedures for TWSTFT
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Non-reciprocity due to satellite
equipment delays
�3���� Sagnac-effect correction
�4���� Non-reciprocity effects due to satellite
movement in an earth fixed frame
�5���� Ionospheric correction
�6���� Tropospheric correction
�7���� Earth station delay measurement
�8���� Data processing
�9���� Determination of accuracy and
stability of the result
10���� Performance
characteristics of the earth station
Annex 2�
Information on the data format for data exchange
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Required information
������� 2.1���� Station identification and assigned
characters, codes and offset-frequencies
������� 2.2���� Session parameters
������� 2.3���� Local earth station(k) parameters
�3���� Data format
������� 3.1���� General
������� 3.2���� Report of the individual 1 s
3.2.1���� Type
1 � Individual measurements
3.2.2���� Type 2 � Combined
������� 3.3���� File format reporting results of a
quadratic fit
3.3.1���� General remarks
3.3.2���� File name
3.3.3���� Header
3.3.4���� Data line
��������������� ��3.3.5���� Computation of clock differences
3.3.6���� Examples
Appendix 1� to
Annex 2
�1���� Data line
�1���� Data files
�2���� Computation of clock differences
�3���� Identification and description of satellite links
�4���� Identification and description of
calibrations performed
Appendix 3� to
Annex 2
�1���� Data line
Appendix 4� to
Annex 2
�1���� Data files
�2���� Computation of clock differences
�3���� Identification and description of
satellite links
�4���� Identification and description of
calibrations performed