������� 1.0���� Introduction
������� 1.1���� Background
������� 1.2���� Purpose and Scope
������� 1.3���� Approach
������� 1.4���� Organization of Data Descriptions
1.4.1���� Data
1.4.2���� Data
����������������� 1.4.3���� Relationships
������� 1.5���� RDD Structure and
Section Summaries
������� 2.0���� Introduction
2.0.1���� Section
2 Table Structure
2.0.2���� Table
2.0.3���� Terrestrial
Filing Process
2.0.4���� The
TerRaSys Notification System
2.0.5���� Terrestrial
Notice Forms
2.0.6���� Electronic
notification to TeraSys
������� 2.1���� Broadcasting
Service, FM sound, in the VHF band (Terrestrial Notice Form T01)
������� 2.2���� Broadcasting
Service, Television, in the VHF and UHF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T02)
������� 2.3���� Broadcasting
Service,Regions1and3,in theLF
and MF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T03)
������� 2.4���� Broadcasting Service, Region 2, in
the MF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T04)
������� 2.5���� Broadcasting
Service, in the HF Bands following the RR Article 12 Procedure
������� 2.6���� Aeronautical
Mobile Service, Base Transmit in the MF, HF, VHF and UHF Bands, Tropical
Broadcasting and Broadcasting outside the planned bands (Terrestrial Notice
Form T12)
������� 2.7����Aeronautical Mobile Service, Base Receive
in the MF, HF, VHF and UHF Bands and Meteorological Aids Service in the UHF
Band (Terrestrial Notice Form T13)
������� 2.8���� Aeronautical
Radionavigation Service, ILS, MLS and VOR and En-Route Marker Beacons in the
VHF, UHF and SHF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T12)
������� 2.9���� Maritime Radionavigation Service, Maritime
Radio beacon, Hyperbolic Systems, in the MF Band DGPS and Aeronautical
Radionavigation Service, Aeronautical Radio-beacons, in the LF/MF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T12)
������ 2.10���� Aeronautical
Radionavigation Service (DME, SSR) and Maritime Radionavigation Service (Radar
Beacons), in the UHF and SHF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T13)
������ 2.11���� Meteorological
Aids Service - Aeronautical Radionavigation Service, Radiolocation (Radar) in
the VHF, UHF and SHF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T12)
������ 2.12���� Fixed Service,
Point to Point and Point to Multi-point in the HF, VHF, UHF, SHF and EHF Bands
(Terrestrial Notice Form T11)
������ 2.13���� Land Mobile
Service, Base Receive, in the HF, VHF and UHF Bands (Terrestrial Notice
Form T13)
������ 2.14���� Land Mobile
Service, Base Transmit, in the HF, VHF and UHF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form
������ 2.15���� Maritime Mobile Service,
Coast Station (Transmit), in the VLF, LF, MF, HF and VHF Bands (Terrestrial
Notice Form T12)
������ 2.16���� Maritime Mobile
Service, Coast Station (Receive), in the VLF, LF, MF, HF and VHF Bands
(Terrestrial Notice Form T13)
������ 2.17���� Maritime Mobile
Service, Coast Stations RR Appendix 25, in the HF Bands (Terrestrial
Notice Form T15)
������ 2.18���� Maritime Mobile
Service, and Aeronautical Radionavigation Service, GE85-MM-R1 Plan Update (Terrestrial Notice Form T16)
������ 2.19���� Adaptive Systems
in the MF and HF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T17)
������ 2.20���� Typical Transmitting Stations in the Non-planned Bands(Terrestrial Notice Form T14)
������� 3.0���� Introduction
����������������� 3.0.1���� Section 3 Structure and Usage
���� �������������3.0.2���� Notes
������� 3.1���� Administration RDD ref:
������� 3.2���� Coordination Agreement RDD ref: 0088
������� 3.3���� Correspondence Address RDD
ref: 0093
������� 3.4���� Operator� RDD ref: 0218
������� 3.5���� Terrestrial Service
Notice RDD ref: 0200
������� 3.6���� Provision� RDD ref: 0605
������� 3.7���� SiteRDD ref:
������� 3.8���� Antenna� RDD ref: 0035
������� 3.9���� Receiving Antenna RDD ref: 0114
������ 3.10���� Transmitting
Antenna RDD ref: 0119
������ 3.11� ���Directional Transmitting Antenna RDD
ref: 0107
������ 3.12���� Type A Transmitting Antenna RDD ref: 0380
������ 3.13���� Type B Transmitting Antenna RDD ref: 0381
������ 3.14���� Tower� RDD ref: 0389
������ 3.15���� Sectionalised Tower RDD ref: 0375
�� ����3.16���� Top Loaded Tower RDD ref:
������ 3.17���� Antenna Radiation Pattern
Augmentation RDD ref: 0354
������ 3.18���� Antenna
Reference Pattern RDD ref: 0638
������ 3.19���� Operational
Sector RDD ref: 0630
������ 3.20���� Day Of Operation RDD ref: 0498
������ 3.21���� Season Of OperationRDD ref:
������ 3.22���� Regular Operation Period RDD ref: 0306
������ 3.23���� Traffic
Characteristic RDD ref: 0464
������ 3.24���� Colour System RDD ref:
������ 3.25���� Class Of Station RDD ref: 0276
������ 3.26���� Protection Mask RDD ref: 0226
������ 3.27���� Radiocommunication
Service RDD ref: 0241
������ 3.28���� Signal Configuration RDD ref: 0140
������ 3.29���� Television System RDD ref: 0281
������ 3.30���� Three
Dimensional Zone RDD ref:
������ 3.31���� Aeronautical
Zone RDD ref: 0032
������ 3.32���� Ciraf
Zone RDD ref: 0366
������ 3.33���� Circular
Zone RDD ref: 0069
������ 3.34���� Geographical Area RDD ref: 0173
������ 3.35���� Maritime
Zone RDD ref: 0185
������ 3.36���� Segment
Zone RDD ref: 0451
������ 3.37���� Zone Boundary Coordinate RDD ref: 0328
������ 3.38���� Maritime HF Allotment Area RDD ref: 0576
������� 4.0���� Introduction
����������������� 4.0.1���� Section 4 Table Structure
����������������� 4.0.2���� Table Usage
� ����������������4.0.3���� The Satellite
Network Filing Process - An Overview
������� 4.1���� Advance
Publication of Geostationary Space Stations
������� 4.2���� Advance
Publication of Non-Geostationary Space Stations (under Sub-Section IB to
RR Article 9)
������� 4.3���� Advance
Publication of Non-Geostationary Space Stations (under Sub-Section IA to
RR Article 9)
������� 4.4���� Notification/Coordination
of Geostationary Space Stations
������� 4.5���� Notification/Coordination Of
Non-Geostationary Space Stations (subject to Section II RR Article 9)
������� 4.6���� Notification/Coordination
Of Non-Geostationary Space Stations (not subject to Section II
RR Article 9)
������� 4.7���� Notification/Coordination of an earth station
including notification under RR Appendices 30A and 30B
������� 4.8���� Notification/Coordination
and plan modification of space stations in the BSS under
RR Appendix 30
������� 4.9���� Notification/Coordination
And Plan Modification Of Feeder Links In The BSS Under
RR Appendix 30A
���� ��4.10���� Notification/Coordination And Plan Modification Of Space Stations In
The FSS Under RR Appendix 30B
������ 4.11���� Notification of
radioastronomy earth stations
5.0���� Introduction
����������������� 5.0.1���� Section 5 Structure and Usage
������� 5.1���� Administration RDD ref: S001
����������������� 5.0.2���� Notes
������� 5.1���� Administration RDD ref: S001
������� 5.2���� Correspondence Address RDD ref: S016
������� 5.3���� Operator RDD ref: S024
������� 5.4���� Intergovernmental Satellite
Organization RDD ref: S031
������� 5.5���� Geographical Area RDD ref: S036
������� 5.6���� Radiocommunication Service RDD ref: S044
������� 5.7���� Class Of Station RDD ref: S048
������� 5.8���� Class Of Station Nature Of
Service Pair RDD ref: S580
������� 5.9���� Nature Of Service RDD ref: S614
������ 5.10���� Space Station RDD ref: S055
������ 5.11���� Geostationary Orbital
Position RDD ref: S071
������ 5.12���� Non-geostationary Orbit RDD ref: S093
������ 5.13���� Non-geostationary Satellite
Position RDD ref: S104
������ 5.14���� Exclusive Operational Group RDD ref: S729
������ 5.15���� Latitude Range Category RDD ref: S818
������ 5.16���� PFD Mask RDD ref: S820
������ 5.17���� Earth To Space EIRP Mask RDD ref: S824
������ 5.18���� Space To Earth EIRP Mask RDD ref: S831
������ 5.19���� Beam RDD ref: S107
������ 5.20���� Elliptical Beam RDD ref: S314
������ 5.21���� Site RDD ref: S376
������ 5.22���� Earth Station Antenna RDD ref: S151
������ 5.23���� Associated Earth Station
Antenna RDD ref: S493
������ 5.24���� Coordination Contour RDD ref: S756
������ 5.25���� Assignment Coordination
Group (ACG) RDD ref: S174
������ 5.26���� Transmitting Earth Station
ACG RDD ref: S215
������ 5.27���� Receiving Earth Station ACG
RDD ref: S218
������ 5.28���� Receiving Space Station ACG
RDD ref: S456
������ 5.29���� Transmitting Space Station
ACG RDD ref: S463
������ 5.30���� Transmitting Space Station
Space To Space ACG RDD ref: S472
������ 5.31���� Receiving Space Station
Space To Space ACG RDD ref: S476
������ 5.32���� Emission Characteristic Set RDD ref: S733
������ 5.33���� Frequency Range RDD ref: S244
������ 5.34���� Beam Frequency RDD ref: S251
������ 5.35���� Coordination Agreement RDD ref: S271
������ 5.36���� ACG Frequency RDD ref: S531
������ 5.37���� Associated Space Station
Position RDD ref: S533
������ 5.38���� Beam Frequency Strap RDD ref: S632
������ 5.39���� Strap Characteristic Set RDD ref: S282
������ 5.40���� ACG
Frequency Strap RDD ref:
������ 5.41���� Space Service Notice RDD ref: S290
������ 5.42���� Notice Attachment RDD ref: S305
������ 5.43���� Intended Action RDD ref: S357
������ 5.44���� ACG Intended Action RDD ref: S536
������ 5.45���� Provision RDD ref: S615
������� 6.0���� Introduction
������� 6.1���� Character
������� 6.2���� Date
������� 6.3���� Decimal
������� 6.4���� Diagram
������� 6.5���� Equation
������� 6.6���� Frequency
������� 6.7���� Longitude/Latitude
����������������� 6.7.1����
����������������� 6.7.2����
����������������� 6.7.3����
����������������� 6.7.4����
Long/Lat in degrees
����������������� 6.7.5����
Long/Lat in degrees and minutes
����������������� 6.7.6����
Long/Lat in degrees, minutes and seconds
������� 6.8���� Integer
������� 6.9���� Text
������ 6.10���� Time
������ 6.11���� True or False
������� 7.0���� Introduction
������� 8.0���� Introduction
������� 8.1���� Table of
characteristics to be submitted for stations in the terrestrial services
������� 8.2���� Table
of characteristics to be submitted for space and radio astronomy services
������� 9.1���� Appendix 1: Codes Designating Notifying Administrations
� ������9.2���� Appendix 2: List Of Intergovernmental Satellite
������� 9.3���� Appendix 3: Codes Designating Geographical Areas
������� 9.4���� Appendix
4: Radiocommunication Services
����������������� 9.4.1���� Table of radiocommunication terrestrial services
����������������� 9.4.2���� Table of radiocommunication space services
������� 9.5���� Appendix 5: Table Of Classes Of Station
����������������� 9.5.1���� Classes of station for the terrestrial services
����������������� 9.5.2���� Classes of station for the space services
������� 9.6���� Appendix 6: Antenna Patterns
����������������� 9.6.1���� Space Stations Antenna Patterns
����������������� 9.6.2���� Earth stations antenna patterns
������� 9.7��� �Appendix
7: Standard Abbreviations For Site Names Compression
������� 9.8���� Appendix 8: Standard Defined Areas
����������������� 9.8.1����
defined by a geographical area
����������������� 9.8.2���� Standard maritime zones
����������������� 9.8.3���� Allotment areas as defined in RR Appendix 25
����������������� 9.8.4����
zones defined in RR Appendix 26
����������������� 9.8.5����
zones defined in RR Appendix 27
����������������� 9.8.6���� Broadcasting zones defined in RR Appendix 1
������� 9.9���� Appendix 9: TV Systems
������ 9.10���� Appendix
10: Symbols Used For Coordination And Agreement
����������������� 9.10.1���� Symbols used for coordination and agreement of terrestrial notices
����������������� 9.10.2���� Symbols used for coordination and agreement of space notices
������ 9.11���� Appendix
11: BR Favourable Or Unfavourable Findings
����������������� 9.11.1���� BR favourable or unfavourable findings regarding terrestrial notices
����������������� 9.11.2���� BR favourable or unfavourable findings regarding space notices
������ 9.12���� Appendix 12: BR Finding References, Remarks And Dates
����������������� 9.12.1���� BR Finding References, Remarks And Dates Regarding Terrestrial
����������������� 9.12.2� ���BR Finding
References, Remarks And Dates Regarding Space Notices
������ 9.13���� Appendix 13: Nature Of Service Codes
����������������� 9.13.1����
of Nature Of Service Codes for Terrestrial Services
����������������� 9.13.2����
of Nature Of Service Codes for Space Services
������ 9.14���� Appendix 14: Power Measurement Method Code For Each Class
Of Emission
������ 10.0���� Introduction
������ 10.1���� Terrestrial
data elements in RDD reference number sequence
������ 10.2���� Terrestrial
data groups and data items in alphabetical sequence
������ 10.3���� Space
data elements in RDD reference number sequence
������ 10.4���� Space
data groups and data items in alphabetical sequence