RECOMMENDATION ITU-R SF.1005 - SHARING BETWEEN THE FIXED SERVICE AND THE FIXED-SATELLITE SERVICE WITH BIDIRECTIONAL ... ANNEX 1 - Frequency sharing between systems of the fixed service and systems of the fixed-satellite service comprising ... 1. Bidirectional use of frequency bands shared with terrestrial services 1.1 New problems for terrestrial services 1.2 New problems for the fixed-satellite service (FSS) 2. General RBW 3. RBW using spot beams to high elevation angle (> 40°) earth stations 3.1 General 3.2 Potential interference to space stations from stations of the fixed service 3.3 Potential interference into stations of the fixed service when RBW is introduced into bands used for FBW up ... 3.4 Potential interference to stations of the fixed service when RBW is introduced in bands used for forward band ... 4. RBW earth station coordination with terrestrial radio-relay stations 5. RBW to lower elevation earth stations 6. Conclusion