Annex 1
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Consideration of an off-axis e.i.r.p. density limit for the 6 GHz band
�3���� Consideration of off-axis e.i.r.p. density limit for the 10-15 GHz band
������� 3.1���� Method of calculation of E
������� 3.2���� Factors affecting E
������� 3.3���� Spectral distribution of modulated FM-TV carrier
�4���� Consideration of off-axis e.i.r.p. density limits for the band 29.5-30 GHz (see Note 1)
������� 4.1���� Evidence in supporting of recommends 4
������� 4.2���� Further factors taken into account
����������������� 4.2.1���� Introduction
����������������� 4.2.2���� Existing and future GSO/FSS systems
����������������� 4.2.3���� Margin to the excess of antenna side-lobe gain from side-lobe pattern
����������������� 4.2.4���� Conclusion
Annex 2
�1���� Introduction