Propagation data required for the design of Earth-space land mobile telecommunication systems     2
Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)     ii
Propagation data required for the design of Earth-space  land mobile telecommunication systems     1
Annex 1     1
1     Introduction  1
2     Tropospheric effects  2
        2.1     Attenuation  2
        2.2     Scintillation  2
3     Ionospheric effects  2
4     Shadowing  2
        4.1     Roadside tree-shadowing model 2
                  4.1.1     Calculation of fading due to shadowing by roadside trees  2
                  4.1.2     Fade duration distribution model 5
                  4.1.3     Non-fade duration distribution model 5
        4.2     Roadside building-shadowing model 6
        4.3     Special consideration of hand-held terminals (user blockage) 8
        4.4     Modelling building blockage effects using street masking functions (MKF) 9
5     Multipath models for clear line-of-sight conditions  12
        5.1     Multipath in a mountain environment 14
        5.2     Multipath in a roadside tree environment 14
 6     Statistical model for mixed propagation conditions  16
        6.1     Prediction of fading statistics for a single satellite link  17
        6.2     Prediction of state duration statistics for a single link  20
7     Physical-statistical wideband model for mixed propagation conditions  21
        7.1     Model input 23
        7.2     Model output 23
        7.3     Model output usage  23
8     Satellite diversity  23
        8.1     Uncorrelated case  24
        8.2     Correlated case  24
                  8.2.1     Quantification of the shadowing cross-correlation coefficient in urban areas  24
                  8.2.2     Availability calculations  28
        8.3     Modelling satellite diversity effects using MKFs  29