Recommendation ITU-R P.619-5 (09/2021) Propagation data required for theevaluation of interference betweenstations in space and those on thesurface of the Earth
Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
Annex 1
1 Introduction
     1.1 Temporal and location variability
     1.2 Apparent and free-space elevation angles
     1.3 Relevant propagation mechanisms
2 Propagation mechanisms and calculation methods
     2.1 Free space basic transmission loss ,����-������������. (dB)
     2.2 Depolarization attenuation ,����-��������. (dB)
          2.2.1 Cross-polar discrimination and cross polar attenuation
          2.2.2 Faraday rotation
          2.2.3 Hydrometeor depolarization
     2.3 Attenuation due to atmospheric gases ,����-����. (dB)
     2.4 Loss due to beam spreading ,����-��������. (dB)
          2.4.1 Ray bending
      Tropospheric refraction
      Ionospheric refraction
          2.4.2 Beam-spreading loss for propagation through the atmosphere
     2.5 Scintillation
          2.5.1 Ionospheric scintillation ,����-��������. (dB)
          2.5.2 Tropospheric scintillation ,����-��������. (dB)
     2.6 Diffraction/ducting loss due to terrain and/or specific obstruction ,����-������������. (dB)
     2.7 Clutter loss ,����-����. (dB)
     2.8 Building entry/exit loss ,����-��������. (dB)
     2.9 Precipitation-scatter transmission loss ,����-������������. (dB)
     2.10 Differential rain attenuation
3 Evaluation of interference
     3.1 Basic transmission loss for single-entry interference
     3.2 Clear-air basic transmission loss for multiple-entry interference
4 Correlation between propagation losses
5 Multiple-entry interference analysis methods
     5.1 Monte Carlo simulation
     5.2 Analytical techniques
Attachment A to Annex 1 Geometry of straight-line Earth-space path
Attachment B to Annex 1
Attachment C to Annex 1 Attenuation due to atmospheric gasses
C.1 Introduction
C.2 Attenuation prediction algorithm
C.3 Algorithm inputs
C.4 Attenuation along space–Earth propagation path (Descending ray)
C.5 Attenuation along Earth-space propagation paths (Ascending ray)
Attachment D to Annex 1 Tropospheric scintillation
D.1 Introduction
D.2 Scintillation intensity
D.3 Tropospheric scintillation short-term variability
Attachment E to Annex 1 Beam clearance taking atmospheric refraction into account
Attachment F to Annex 1