Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
Annex 1
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Propagation loss
������� 2.1���� Attenuation due to
atmospheric gases
������� 2.2���� Attenuation by
precipitation and clouds
����������������� 2.2.1���� Prediction
of attenuation statistics for an average year
����������������� 2.2.2���� Seasonal
variations � worst month
� ����������������2.2.3���� Variability
in space and time of statistics
����������������� 2.2.4���� Site
����������������� 2.2.5���� Characteristics
of precipitation events
������� 2.3���� Clear-air effects
����������������� 2.3.1���� Decrease
in antenna gain due to wave-front incoherence
����������������� 2.3.2���� Beam
spreading loss
������� 2.4���� Scintillation and
multipath fading
����������������� 2.4.1���� Calculation
of monthly and long-term statistics of amplitude scintillations
at elevation angles greater than 5 degrees
����������������� 2.4.2���� Calculation
of the deep fading part of the scintillation/multipath fading distribution of
elevation angles less than 5�
����������������� 2.4.3���� Calculation
of the shallow fading part of the scintillation/multipath fading distribution
at elevation angles less than 5�
������� 2.5���� Estimation of total
attenuation due to multiple sources of simultaneously occurring atmospheric
������� 2.6���� Attenuation by sand
and dust storms
�3���� Noise temperature
�4���� Cross-polarization effects
������� 4.1���� Calculation of
long-term statistics of hydrometeor-induced cross-polarization
������� 4.2���� Joint statistics of
XPD and attenuation
������� 4.3���� Long-term frequency
and polarization scaling of statistics of hydrometeor-induced cross‑polarization
������� 4.4���� Data relevant to
cross-polarization cancellation
�5���� Propagation delays
�6���� Bandwidth limitations
�7���� Angle of arrival
�8���� Calculation of long-term
statistics for non-GSO paths