Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
Annex 1
Location of control points
Basic and operational maximum usable frequencies
������� 3.1����
Basic maximum usable frequencies
������� 3.2����
E-layer critical frequency (foE)
������� 3.3����
E-layer basic MUF
������� 3.4����
F2-layer characteristics
������� 3.5����
F2-layer basic MUF
����������������� 3.5.1����
Lowest-order mode
����������������� 3.5.2����
Higher-order modes (paths up to 9 000
���� ���3.6����
Within the month probability of ionospheric propagation support
������� 3.7����
The path operational MUF
E-layer maximum screening frequency ( fs)
Median sky-wave field strength
������� 5.1����
Elevation angle
������� 5.2����
Paths up to 7 000 km
����������������� 5.2.1����
Modes considered
����������������� 5.2.2 �����Field
strength determination
������� 5.3����
Paths longer than 9 000 km
������� 5.4����
Paths between 7 000 and 9 000 km
Median available receiver power
�7��� �Monthly
median signal-to-noise ratio
Sky-wave field strength, available receiver signal power and signal-to‑noise
ratios for other percentages of time
Lowest usable frequency (LUF)
Basic circuit reliability (BCR)
������ 10.1����
The reliability of analogue modulated systems
������ 10.2����
The reliability of digitally modulated systems, taking account of the
time and frequency spreading of the received signal
����������������� 10.2.1����
System parameters
����������������� 10.2.2����
Time delay
����������������� 10.2.3����
Reliability prediction procedure
For path lengths up to 9 000 km:
For path lengths beyond 9 000 km:
������ 10.3����
Equatorial scattering
Appendix 1 to Annex 1� A model for equatorial scattering of HF signals