RECOMMENDATION ITU-R P.530-9 - Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of terrestrial ... ANNEX 1 1 Introduction 2 Propagation loss 2.1 Attenuation due to atmospheric gases 2.2 Diffraction fading 2.3 Fading and enhancement due to multipath and related mechanisms 2.4 Attenuation due to hydrometeors 3 Variation in angle-of-arrival/launch 4 Reduction of XPD 4.1 Prediction of XPD outage due to clear-air effects 4.2 Prediction of XPD outage due to precipitation effects 5 Distortion due to propagation effects 5.1 Prediction of outage in unprotected digital systems 6 Techniques for alleviating the effects of multipath propagation 6.1 Techniques without diversity 6.2 Diversity techniques 7 Prediction of total outage 8 Propagation aspects of bringing-into-service APPENDIX 1 TO ANNEX 1 - Method for determining the geoclimatic factor, K, from measured overland fading data ANNEX 2 - Prediction of error performance and availability of line-of-sight synchronous digital hierarchy radio links 1 Introduction 2 Error performance and availability objectives 2.1 Error performance and availability parameters 2.2 Objectives for digital radio-relay digital paths 3 Predicting error performance and availability 3.1 Prediction of SESR 3.2 Prediction of BBER 3.3 Prediction of ESR 3.4 Prediction of unavailability due to propagation effects