Annex 1
1 Introduction
2 Propagation loss
Attenuation due to atmospheric gases
2.2 Diffraction fading
2.2.1 Diffraction loss dependence on path
2.2.2 Planning criteria for path
2.3 Fading
and enhancement due to multipath and related mechanisms
2.3.1 Method for small
percentages of time
2.3.2 Method for all percentages
of time
2.3.3 Prediction method for
2.3.4 Conversion from average worst month to
average annual distributions
2.3.5 Conversion from average
worst month to shorter worst periods of time
2.3.6 Prediction of non-selective outage (see
Note 1)
2.3.7 Occurrence of simultaneous
fading on multi-hop links
Attenuation due to hydrometeors
2.4.1 Long-term statistics of rain attenuation
2.4.2 Combined method for rain
and wet snow
2.4.3 Frequency scaling of
long-term statistics of rain attenuation
2.4.4 Polarization scaling of
long-term statistics of rain attenuation
2.4.5 Statistics of event
duration and number of events
2.4.6 Rain attenuation in
multiple hop networks
2.4.7 Prediction of outage due
to precipitation
3 Variation in angle-of-arrival/launch
4 Reduction of cross-polar discrimination (XPD)
4.1 Prediction of XPD outage
due to clear-air effects
4.2 Prediction of XPD outage
due to precipitation effects
4.2.1 XPD statistics during
precipitation conditions
4.2.2 Step-by-step procedure for
predicting outage due to precipitation effects
5 Distortion due to propagation effects
5.1 Prediction of outage in
unprotected digital systems
6 Techniques for alleviating the effects of multipath
6.1 Techniques without
6.1.1 Increase of path
6.1.2 Reduction of effect of
surface reflections
6.1.3 Reduction of path
6.2 Diversity techniques
6.2.1 Antenna spacing in space
diversity systems
6.2.2 Angular spacing in
angle-diversity and combined space/angle-diversity systems
6.2.3 Frequency separation in
frequency diversity systems
6.2.4 Space-diversity
improvement in narrow-band systems
6.2.5 Diversity techniques in
digital systems
7 Prediction of total outage
8 Propagation aspects of bringing-into-service
1 to Annex 1 - Method for determining the geoclimatic factor, K,
from measured overland fading data