�1���� Scope
Annex 1� Data banks to support evaluation of prediction methods
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Responsibilities and updates
�3���� Acceptance criteria
�4���� Testing criteria for comparing prediction methods
������� 4.1��� �General considerations
����������������� 4.1.3���� �Simplicity�
������� 4.2���� Testing variable for comparing rain attenuation predictions
������� 4.3���� Testing method for comparing fade duration predictions
������� 4.4���� Testing method for comparing fade slope predictions
�5���� List of the data banks of Radiocommunication Study Group 3 concerning tropospheric propagation
������� 5.1���� Part I: Terrestrial line-of-sight path data
������� 5.2���� Part II:  Earth-space path data
������� 5.3���� Part III:  Terrestrial trans-horizon path and rain scatter data
������� 5.4���� Part IV:  Radiometeorological data
������� 5.5���� Part V:  Terrestrial land mobile data
������� 5.6���� Part VI:  Terrestrial broadcasting data
������� 5.7���� Part VII:  Data for mobile-satellite services
������� 5.8���� Part VIII:  Vegetation and building data