The prediction of the time and the spatial profile for broadband land mobile
services using UHF and SHF bands
Annex 1
1 Introduction
2 Definition of delay profiles and parameters
2.1 Power
delay profile � This is defined as the power delay profile with a continuous
excess delay time
2.2 Path
delay profile � This is defined as the delay profile with a discrete excess
delay time normalized by time resolution 1/B. This includes the
short-term and the long‑term power path delay profiles, and the long-term
envelope path delay profile
3 Envelope path delay profile
3.1 Envelope
path delay profile normalized by the first arrival path power in urban and
suburban areas
3.2 Envelope
path delay profile normalized by power of all delay paths in urban and suburban
4 Power path delay profile 7
4.1 Power
path delay profile normalized by the first path�s power 7
4.2 Power
path delay profile normalized by summing the power of all delay paths
5 Path delay profile for loss representation in
urban and suburban areas
5.1 Envelope
path delay profile for loss representation in urban and suburban areas
5.2 Power
path delay profile for loss presentation in urban and suburban areas
6 Examples
6.1 Envelope
path delay profile in urban and suburban areas
6.1.1 Envelope path delay profile normalized by
the first arrival path�s power
6.1.2 Envelope path delay profile normalized by
power of all delay paths
6.2 Power
path delay profile in urban and suburban areas
6.2.1 Power path delay profile normalized by the
first path�s power
6.2.2 Power path delay profile normalized by
summing all delay path�s power
6.3 Path
delay profile in loss presentation in urban and suburban areas
6.3.1 Envelope path delay profile in loss
6.3.2 Power path delay profile in loss
1 Introduction
2 Definition of power angular profiles and
2.1 Power
angular profile � This is defined as the power angular profile with a continuous
arrival angle
3 Long-term power angular profile
Long-term power angular profile
3.2 The
spatial correlation function
4 Example