Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
Annex 1� Interference mechanisms, system parameters� and compatibility
assessment criteria
�1���� Background and introduction
�2���� Types of interference mechanisms
������� 2.1���� Type A interference
����������������� 2.1.1���� Introduction
����������������� 2.1.2���� Type A1 interference
����������������� 2.1.3���� Type A2 interference
������� 2.2���� Type B interference
����������������� 2.2.1���� Introduction
����������������� 2.2.2���� Type B1 interference
����������������� 2.2.3���� Type B2 interference
�3���� Compatibility assessment parameters
������� 3.1���� Introduction
������� 3.2���� Characteristics of aeronautical systems
����������������� 3.2.1���� Designated operational coverage
���������� �������3.2.2���� Field strength
����������������� 3.2.3���� Frequencies
����������������� 3.2.4���� Polarization
������� 3.3���� Characteristics of FM broadcasting stations
����������������� 3.3.1���� Maximum effective radiated power
����������������� 3.3.2���� Horizontal radiation pattern
����������������� 3.3.3���� Vertical radiation pattern
����������������� 3.3.4���� Spurious emission suppression
����������������� 3.3.5���� Frequencies
����������������� 3.3.6���� Polarization
����������������� 3.3.7��� �Free-space field-strength calculation for
broadcasting signals
������� 3.4���� Receiver input power
�4���� Compatibility assessment criteria
������� 4.1���� Standard interference thresholds
����������������� 4.1.1���� GBAS
������� 4.2���� Interference assessment criteria � GBAS receivers
����������������� 4.2.1���� Type A1 interference
����������������� 4.2.2���� Type A2 interference
����������������� 4.2.3���� Type B1 interference
����������������� 4.2.4���� Type B2 interference
Appendix 1� to Annex 1� GBAS coverage and minimum field strengths
Annex 2� General assessment method
�1���� Introduction
������� 1.1���� Philosophy of the general
assessment method
������� 1.2���� GBAS
�2���� Location and height of GBAS test points
for each DOC
������� 2.1���� GBAS precision approach test
����������������� 2.1.1���� Fixed test points
����������������� 2.1.2���� Test points related
to broadcasting stations
������� 2.2���� GBAS positioning test points
����������������� 2.2.1���� Test points related
to broadcasting stations that are inside each DOC
����������������� 2.2.2���� Test points related
to broadcasting stations that are outside each DOC
����������������� 2.2.3���� Additional test
�3���� Application of general assessment method
������� 3.1���� General
����������������� 3.1.1���� Test point selection
����������������� 3.1.2���� Broadcasting
stations to be included in the analysis at a test point
����������������� 3.1.3���� Compatibility
������� 3.2���� Special considerations regarding
compatibility assessments
����������������� 3.2.1���� Test point heights
greater than the minimum values
����������������� 3.2.2���� GBAS precision
approach test points
����������������� 3.2.3���� GBAS positioning
test points
����������������� 3.2.4���� Calculation of GBAS
field strength at test points
����������������� 3.2.5���� Calculation of Type
A1 potential interference
����������������� 3.2.6���� Calculation of Type
B1 potential interference
����������������� 3.2.7���� Calculation of Type
B2 potential interference
����������������� 3.2.8���� Multiple
�4���� Broadcasting station antenna corrections
������� 4.1���� General
������� 4.2���� Polarization discrimination
������� 4.3���� Horizontal radiation pattern
������� 4.4���� Vertical radiation pattern
����������������� 4.4.1���� v.r.p. corrections
for vertical apertures of two or more wavelengths
����������������� 4.4.2���� v.r.p. corrections
for vertical apertures of less than two wavelengths
����������������� 4.4.3���� v.r.p. corrections
for spurious emissions in the band 108-118 MHz
������� 4.5���� Combination of horizontal and
vertical radiation patterns
Appendix 1� to Annex 2� Location of test points with maximum
interference potential
�1���� Aircraft at the same height as a
broadcasting station antenna
�2���� Aircraft at a greater height than a
broadcasting station antenna
�3���� Relationship between vertical and
horizontal separation distances
�4���� Location of maximum interference
�5���� Test points for GBAS positioning service
�6���� Test points for GBAS precision approach
�7���� Effect of increased test point height
Appendix 2� to Annex 2� Considerations regarding maximum field
strength and interference potential
�1���� Maximum field strength
�2���� Maximum Type B1 interference potential
Annex 3� Detailed compatibility assessment and practical
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Matters requiring special attention
������� 2.1���� Prediction of broadcasting field
������� 2.2��� �Test point considerations
������� 2.3���� Consideration of operating
�3���� Multiple interference
�4���� Detailed compatibility assessment
�5���� Practical verification process
�6���� Summary
Annex 4� Definitions