Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
Annex 1� Technical
description of system and characteristics of transmitting space stations of the
GLONASS global navigation satellite system
�1���� Introduction
������� 1.1���� Frequency requirements
����������������� 1.1.1���� Signals with frequency division multiple access
����������������� 1.1.2���� Signals with code division multiple access
�2���� System overview
�3���� System description
������� 3.1���� Space segment
������� 3.2���� Control segment
������� 3.3���� User segment
�4���� Navigation signal structure
������� 4.1���� Signals with frequency division multiple access
������� 4.2���� Signals with code division multiple access
�5���� Signal power and spectra
������� 5.1���� Signals with frequency division multiple access
������� 5.2���� Signals with code division multiple access
Annex 2� Technical description and characteristics� of the Navstar Global
Positioning System (GPS)
�1���� Introduction
������� 1.1���� GPS frequency requirements
�2���� System overview
�3���� System segments
������� 3.1���� Space segment
������� 3.2���� Control segment
������� 3.3���� User segment
�4���� GPS signal structure
�5���� Signal power and spectra
�6���� GPS transmission parameters
������� 6.1���� GPS L1 transmission parameters
������� 6.2���� GPS L2 transmission parameters
������� 6.3���� GPS L5 transmission parameters
Annex 3� Technical description and characteristics of the Galileo system
�1���� Introduction
������� 1.1���� Frequency requirements
�2���� System overview
������� 2.1���� Galileo applications
�3���� System segments
������� 3.1���� Space segment
������� 3.2���� Ground segment
������� 3.3���� User segment
�4���� Galileo signal structure
������� 4.1���� Galileo E1 signal
������� 4.2���� Galileo E6 signal
Annex 4� Technical
description and characteristics of the quasi-zenith satellite system (QZSS)
�1���� Introduction
������� 1.1���� Frequency requirements
�2���� System overview
�3���� System segments
������� 3.1���� Space segment
������� 3.2���� Control segment
������� 3.3���� User segment
�4���� QZSS signal structure
�5���� Signal power and spectra
�6���� Operating frequency
�7���� Telemetry functions
�8���� QZSS transmission parameters
������� 8.1���� QZSS L1 transmission parameters
������� 8.2���� QZSS L2 transmission parameters
������� 8.3���� QZSS L5 transmission parameters
Annex 5� Technical description and characteristics of the MTSAT satellite-based
augmentation system (MSAS)
�1���� Introduction
������� 1.1���� Frequency requirements
�2���� System overview
�3���� System segments
������� 3.1���� Space segment
������� 3.2���� Ground segments
������� 3.3���� User segment
�4���� MSAS signal structure
�5���� Signal power and spectra
�6���� Operating frequency
�7���� Telemetry functions
Annex 6� Technical description and characteristics of the LM-RPS networks
�1���� Introduction
�2���� System overview
�3��� �System configuration
������� 3.1���� Space segment
������� 3.2���� Ground segment
�4���� LM-RPS signal
�5���� LM-RPS operating frequencies
�6���� Command and telemetry spectrum
�7 ����LM-RPS transmission parameters
������� 7.1���� LM-RPS L1 transmission parameters
������� 7.2���� LM-RPS L5 transmission parameters
Annex 7� Technical description of system and characteristics of transmitting�
space stations of the COMPASS system
�1���� Introduction
������� 1.1���� Frequency requirements
�2���� System overview
�3���� System segment
������� 3.1���� Space segment
������� 3.2���� Control segment
������� 3.3���� User segment
�4���� COMPASS signal structure
������� 4.1���� COMPASS signals in the frequency band 1 559-1 610 MHz
������� 4.2���� COMPASS signals in the frequency band 1 164-1 300 MHz
�5���� Signal power and spectra
Annex 8� Technical description and characteristics of the Inmarsat navigation
�1���� Introduction
������� 1.1���� System overview
�2���� System configuration
������� 2.1���� Space segment
������� 2.2���� Ground segment
�3���� SBAS signals
�4���� Command and telemetry spectrum
Annex 9� Technical description and characteristics of the� NIGCOMSAT SBAS
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Frequency and polarization plan
�3���� User segment
�4���� Ground segment
�5���� Navigation service
�6���� Navigation signal
������� 6.1���� L1 signal
������� 6.2���� L5 signal
Annex 10� Technical description of the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite�
System (IRNSS) and the Indian SBAS System, GAGAN� (GPS-Aided Geo-Augmented
�1���� Introduction
������� 1.1���� IRNSS and GAGAN frequency requirements
�2���� Systems overview
������� 2.1���� IRNSS and GAGAN applications
�3���� System segments
������� 3.1���� Space segment
������� 3.2���� Ground segment
������� 3.3���� User segment
�4���� IRNSS and GAGAN signals structures
������� 4.1���� IRNSS signal structure
������� 4.2���� GAGAN transmissions
Annex 11� Technical description and characteristics of the Korea augmentation
satellite system (KASS)
�1���� Introduction
������� 1.1���� Frequency and polarization plan
�2���� System overview
�3���� System segments
������� 3.1���� Space segment
������� 3.2���� Ground segment
������� 3.3���� User segment
�4���� KASS signal structure
�5���� Signal power and spectra
ANNEX 12 �Technical description and characteristics� of a system for
differential correction and monitoring (SDCM)
�1���� Introduction
�2���� System review
�3���� System configuration
������� 3.1���� Space segment
������� 3.2���� Ground segment
�4���� SDCM signal
������� 4.1���� SDCM carrier frequency
������� 4.2���� SDCM signal basic parameters
Annex 13� Technical description and characteristics of the SES SBAS network
�1���� Introduction
�2���� System overview
�3���� System configuration
������� 3.1���� Space segment
������� 3.2���� Ground segment
�4���� WAAS and EGNOS payload signal structure
�5���� SES SBAS payloads operating frequencies
�6���� Command and telemetry spectrum
�7���� Transmission parameters
������� 7.1���� L1 signal transmission parameters
������� 7.2���� L5 signal transmission parameters
Annex 14� Technical description and characteristics of the Eutelsat SBAS
�1���� Introduction
�2���� System configuration
������� 2.1���� Space segment
������� 2.2���� Ground segment
������� 2.3���� User segment
�3���� Transmissions characteristics