Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
Annex 1� IMT-2000 code division multiple access (CDMA) direct spread (universal terrestrial radio access (UTRA) FDD) base stations
�1���� Measurement uncertainty
�2���� Spectrum mask
������� 2.1���� UTRA spectrum mask
������� 2.2���� E-UTRA (LTE) spectrum mask
����������������� 2.2.1���� E-UTRA spectrum mask for wide area BS (Category A)
����������������� 2.2.2���� E-UTRA spectrum mask for wide area BS (Category B)
����������������� 2.2.3���� E-UTRA spectrum mask for local area BS (Category A and B)
����������������� 2.2.4���� E-UTRA spectrum mask for home BS (Category A and B)
����������������� 2.2.5���� E-UTRA spectrum mask (additional limits)
�3���� Adjacent channel leakage power ratio
������� 3.1� ���ACLR for UTRA
������� 3.2���� ACLR for E-UTRA (LTE)
�4���� Transmitter spurious emission (conducted)
������� 4.1���� Mandatory requirements
����������������� 4.1.1���� Category A for UTRA and E-UTRA
����������������� 4.1.2���� Category B
������� 4.2��� �Coexistence with other systems in the same geographical area
����������������� 4.2.1���� Coexistence with other systems in the same geographical area for UTRA
����������������� 4.2.2���� Coexistence with other systems in the same geographical area for E-UTRA
������� 4.3���� Co-location with other base stations
����������������� 4.3.1���� Co-existence with co-located and co-sited base stations for UTRA
����������������� 4.3.2���� Co-location with other base stations for E-UTRA
������� 4.4���� Coexistence with PHS
������� 4.5���� Co-existence with services in adjacent frequency bands
������� 4.6���� Protection of public safety operations
������� 4.7���� Co-existence with Home UTRA BS operating in other bands
������� 4.9���� Protection of the E-UTRA FDD BS receiver of own or different BS
������ 4.10���� Protection of the UTRA FDD BS receiver of own or different BS
�5���� Receiver spurious emission
Annex 2� IMT-2000 CDMA multi-carrier (cdma-2000) Base Stations
�1���� CDMA2000 and CDMA2000 high rate packet data (HRPD)
������� 1.1���� Spectrum mask
������� 1.2���� Transmitter spurious emission
������� 1.3���� Adjacent channel leakage power ratio
������� 1.4���� Receiver spurious emission
�2���� Ultra Mobile Broadband (UMB)
������� 2.1���� Spectrum mask
������� 2.2���� Transmitter spurious emission
������� 2.3���� Adjacent channel leakage power ratio
Annex 3� IMT-2000 CDMA TDD (UTRA TDD) base stations
�1���� Measurement uncertainty
�2���� Spectrum mask
������� 2.1���� UTRA 3.84 Mchip/s TDD option
����� ��2.2���� UTRA 1.28 Mchip/s TDD option
������� 2.3���� UTRA 7.68 Mchip/s TDD option
������� 2.4���� E-UTRA (LTE) spectrum mask
����������������� 2.4.1���� E-UTRA spectrum mask (Category A)
����������������� 2.4.2���� E-UTRA spectrum mask (Category B, Option 1)
����������������� 2.4.2a���� E-UTRA spectrum mask for Wide Area BS (Category B, Option 2)
����������������� 2.4.3���� E-UTRA spectrum mask for local area BS (Category A and B)
����������������� 2.4.4���� E-UTRA spectrum mask for Home BS (Category A and B)
����������������� 2.4.5���� E-UTRA spectrum mask (additional limits)
�3���� ACLR
������� 3.1���� ACLR for UTRA
������� 3.2���� ACLR for E-UTRA (LTE)
�4���� Transmitter spurious emission (conducted)
������� 4.1���� Coexistence with GSM 900
������� 4.2 ����Coexistence with DCS 1800
������� 4.3���� Coexistence with UTRA-FDD
����������������� 4.3.1���� Operation in the same geographic area
����������������� 4.3.2���� Co-located base stations
������� 4.4���� Co-existence of UTRA TDD with unsynchronized UTRA TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD
����������������� 4.4.1���� Operation in the same geographic area
����������������� 4.4.2���� Co-located base stations
������� 4.5���� Coexistence with other systems in the same geographical area for E-UTRA
������� 4.6���� Co-location with other base stations for E-UTRA
������� 4.7���� Coexistence with PHS
�5���� Receiver spurious emission
������� 5.1���� 3.84 Mchip/s UTRA TDD option
������� 5.2���� 1.28 Mchip/s UTRA TDD option
������� 5.3���� 7.68 Mchip/s UTRA TDD option
� ������5.4���� E-UTRA TDD option
Annex 4� TDMA Single-Carrier (UWC-136) base stations
�1���� Spectrum mask
�2���� Transmitter spurious emissions (conducted)
������� 2.1���� Coexistence with services in adjacent frequency bands
�3���� Receiver spurious emissions (idle mode)
�1���� Frequency bands and channel arrangement
i)���� T-GSM 380 band:
ii)���� T-GSM 410 band:
iii)���� GSM 450 Band:
iv)���� GSM 480 Band;
v)���� GSM 710 Band:
vi)���� GSM 750 Band:
vii)���� T-GSM 810 Band:
viii)���� GSM 850 Band:
ix)���� Standard or primary GSM 900 Band, P‑GSM:
x)���� Extended GSM 900 Band, E‑GSM (includes Standard GSM 900 band):
xi)���� Railways GSM 900 Band, R‑GSM (includes Standard and Extended GSM 900 Band):
xii)���� Void:
xiii)���� DCS 1 800 Band:
xiv)���� PCS 1 900 Band:
�2���� Spectrum
�3���� Spectrum due to the modulation and wideband noise
�4���� Spectrum due to switching transients
�5���� Transmitter spurious emissions
������� 5.1���� Principle of the specification
����������������� 5.1.1���� Relation to definitions and requirements in CEPT/ERC/REC 74-01 and ITU‑R SM.329
�6���� Coexistence with services in adjacent frequency bands
������� 6.2���� Additional requirements for coexistence with other 3G technologies
�7���� Receiver spurious emissions (idle mode)
������ 7.1���� Principle of the specification
����������������� 7.1.1 �����Relation to definitions and requirements in CEPT/ERC/REC 74-01 and ITU‑R SM.329
Annex 5� FDMA/TDMA (Digital enhanced cordless telecommunications (DECT)) base stations
�1���� Spectrum mask
�2���� Emissions due to modulation
�3���� Emissions due to transmitter transients
�4���� Transmitter spurious emissions (conducted)
������� 4.1���� Spurious emissions when allocated a transmit channel
�5���� Receiver spurious emissions (idle mode)
������ 5.1���� Spurious emissions when the EUT has no allocated transmit channel
������� 5.2���� In the DECT band
Annex 6� IMT-2000 OFDMA TDD WMAN base stations
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Spectrum emission mask
������� 2.1���� Default spectrum emission mask
������� 2.2���� Spectrum emission mask for TDD equipment operating in the band 2 300‑2 400 MHz (BCG 1.A/1.B)
������� 2.3���� Spectrum emission mask for TDD equipment operating in the band 2 500-2 690 MHz (BCG 3.A)
������� 2.4���� Spectrum emission mask for FDD equipment operating in the band 2 496‑2 572/ 2 614-2 690 MHz (BCG 3.B)
������� 2.5���� Spectrum emission mask for TDD equipment operating in the band 3 400-3 600 MHz (BCG 5L.A/5L.B/5L.C)
������� 2.6���� Spectrum emission mask for TDD equipment operating in the band 3 600‑3 800 MHz (BCG 5H.A/5H.B/5H.C)
������� 2.7���� Spectrum emission mask for FDD equipment operating in the band 1 710‑1 770/ 2 110-2 170 MHz (BCG 6.A)
������� 2.8���� Spectrum emission mask for FDD equipment operating in the band 1 920-1 980/ 2 110-2 170 MHz (BCG 6.B)
������� 2.9���� Spectrum emission mask for FDD equipment operating in the band 1 710‑1 785/ 1 805-1 880 MHz (BCG 6.C)
������ 2.10���� Spectrum emission mask for TDD equipment operating in the band 698-862 MHz (BCG 7.A)
�� ����2.11���� Spectrum emission mask for FDD equipment operating in the band 776‑787/746‑757 MHz (BCG 7.B)
������ 2.12���� Spectrum emission mask for FDD equipment operating in the band 788-793/ 758-763 and 793-798/763-768 MHz (BCG 7.C)
������ 2.13���� Spectrum emission mask for FDD equipment operating in the band 788‑798/758‑768 MHz (BCG 7.D)
������ 2.14���� Spectrum emission mask for TDD and FDD equipment operating in the band� 698-862 MHz (BCG 7.E)
������ 2.15���� Spectrum emission mask for FDD equipment operating in the band 880‑915/925‑960 MHz (BCG 7.G)
�3���� Transmitter spurious emissions (conducted)
������� 3.1���� Default spurious emissions
������� 3.2���� Spurious emissions for TDD equipment operating in the band 2 300-2 400 MHz (BCG 1.A/1.B)
����� ��3.3���� Spurious emissions for TDD equipment operating in the band 2 500-2 690 MHz (BCG 3.A)
������� 3.4���� Spurious emission for FDD equipment operating in the band 2 496‑2 572/2 614‑2 690 MHz (BCG 3.B)
������� 3.5���� Spurious emissions for TDD equipment operating in the band 3 400-3 600 MHz (BCG 5L.A/5L.B/5L.C)
������� 3.6���� Spurious emission for TDD equipment operating in the band 3 600-3 800 MHz (BCG 5H.A/5H.B/5H.C)
������� 3.7���� Spurious emission for FDD equipment operating in the band� 1 710-1 770/2 110-2 170 MHz (BCG 6.A)
������� 3.8���� Spurious emissions for FDD equipment operating in the band 1 920-1 980/ 2 110-2 170 MHz (BCG 6.B)
������� 3.9���� Spurious emissions for FDD equipment operating in the band 1 710-1 785/ 1 805-1 880 MHz (BCG 6.C)
������ 3.10���� Spurious emissions for FDD equipment operating in the band 880-915/925-960 MHz (BCG 7.G)
������ 3.11���� Coexistence with other systems in the same geographical/service area
�4���� Receiver spurious emissions (conducted)
�5���� Adjacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR)
������� 5.1���� ACLR values for TDD equipment operating in the band 2 302.5  fc  2 397.5 (BCG 1.B)
������� 5.2���� ACLR values for TDD equipment operating in the band 2 500-2 690 MHz (BCG 3.A)
������� 5.3���� Inter-system and intra-system scenarios
������� 5.4���� ACLR values for TDD equipment operating in the band 3 400-3 600 MHz (BCG 5L.A/5L.B/5L.C)
������� 5.5���� ACLR values for TDD equipment operating in the band 3 600-3 800 MHz (BCG 5H.A/5H.B/5H.C)
������� 5.6���� ACLR values for FDD equipment operating in the band 1 710-1 785/1 805-1 880 MHz (BCG 6.C)
������� 5.7���� ACLR values for FDD equipment operating in the band 880-915/925-960 MHz (BCG 7.G)
�6���� Test tolerance
Attachment (to Annex 6)� Definition of test tolerance