Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
Annex 1� Vehicular collision avoidance radar at 76-77 GHz
������� 1.1����
������� 1.2����
System requirements
������� 2.1����
Radar and modulation methods
������ �2.2����
Operational and technical characteristics of 76-77 GHz automotive radar
Annex 2� Vehicular collision avoidance radar in the band 77-81 GHz
������� 1.1����
System requirements
������� 2.1����
Radar and modulation methods
������� 2.2����
Operational and technical characteristics of 77-81 GHz automotive radar
Annex 3� Technical characteristics of millimetre wave
radiocommunication� systems for data communications between vehicles and between
vehicles and roadside infrastructure
General technical characteristics
Examples of technical characteristics of millimetre wave
radiocommunication systems for ITS applications