Annex 1 - An analytical methodology for calculating interference probability from non-GSO MSS earth station to LMS operating below 1 GHz����
�1���� Introduction������
�2���� Interference model between non-GSO MSS system and land mobile communications system����
�3���� Propagation loss between MES and base station of MS system����
�4���� System parameters����������
�5���� Computation of the interference coordination distance when the existing MS system is in the communications mode����
������� 5.1���� Interference from MES to base station (path (1) in Fig. 3)���
������� 5.2���� Interference from MES to LMS (path (2) in Fig. 3)
�6���� Computation of the interference coordination distance when the existing MS system is in the waiting mode����
������� 6.1���� Interference from MES to base station (path (1) in Fig. 3)���
������� 6.2���� Interference from MES to LMS (path (2) in Fig. 3)
�7���� Evaluation of interference probability��������
������� 7.1���� Probability of co-channel transmission of MS system and MES�������
������� 7.2���� Other parameters to be considered
������� 7.3���� Overall of interference probability���
Annex 2 - Methods and statistics for determining sharing between MSS earth station� transmitters below 1 GHz and mobile stations����
�1���� Introduction������
�2�� ��Potential interference from MSS to mobile services�����������
�3���� Summary of the methodology�������
������� 3.1���� Coordination contour���������
������� 3.2���� Calculation of threshold exceedance probability������
����������������� 3.2.1���� Geographic area for the calculation
����������������� 3.2.2���� Single transmitter pfd probability density function���
����������������� 3.2.3���� Multi-carrier pfd probability density function����������
����������������� 3.2.4���� Probability that MES transmitters are activated������
����������������� 3.2.5���� Exceedance probability�����
����������������� 3.2.6���� Exceedance probability versus actual interference��
�4���� Reference propagation model�������
�5���� Probability of multiple MES transmissions�
�6���� Evaluation of single carrier pfd probability distribution�������
�7���� Evaluation of multi-carrier pfd probability distribution��������
�8���� Determination of MES transmission probability�����
�9���� Calculation of exceedance probability�������
Appendix 1 to Annex 2 - Example application of the calculation methodology����
1�� ��Introduction������
2���� Protection contour calculation������
3���� Pfd distributions
�4���� Interference probability����
Annex 3 - Statistical modelling of frequency sharing between stations in the MS and� non-GSO MSS earth stations with primary allocations� (Earth-to-space) below 1 GHz����
�1���� Introduction������
�2���� Statistical modelling of interference from non-GSO MSS MESs into mobile service stations����������
�3���� Modelling of interference from mobile service stations into non-GSO MSS satellites����������
Appendix 1 to Annex 3 - Example applications of the statistical models����
�1���� Introduction������
�2���� Potential interference from non-GSO MSS earth stations into LMS����������
�3���� Potential interference from LMS into non-GSO MSS satellites������
Annex 4 - Use of the dynamic channel assignment technique for frequency interference avoidance����
�1���� Introduction������
�2���� DCAAS operation�����������
������� 2.1���� Channel selection���
������� 2.2���� Channel implementation�����
������� 2.3���� Message lengths����
�3���� DCAAS probability considerations����������
������� 3.1���� Probability of assigning an active channel����
������� 3.2���� Probability of an MES transmitting near a mobile receiver���
�4���� Summary of interference avoidance due to the DCAAS technique�
������� 4.1���� Aspects of the sharing approach�����
�5���� Demonstration of avoidance of interference����������
������� 5.1���� Initial tests simulation����������
������� 5.2���� Demonstration tests�����������
����������������� 5.2.1���� Satellite receiver sensitivity tests����
����������������� 5.2.2���� DCAAS testing����
����������������� 5.2.3���� Interference into land mobile systems���� �����