Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)     ii
Conditional-access systems for digital broadcasting     1
Scope     1
Annex 1  Fundamental principles for the design of conditional-access systems  for digital broadcasting     2
1     Introduction  2
2      References  2
        2.1     Normative references  2
        2.2     Informative references  2
3     Terms, definitions and abbreviations  2
        3.1     Terms and definitions  2
Scrambling in digital broadcasting     2
Descrambling in digital broadcasting     2
Conditional access     2
Conditional-access control     3
Encryption and decryption     3
Point of origination     3
Point of presentation     3
Content     3
Service     3
Service protection     3
        3.2     Abbreviations  3
4     General description of a conditional-access system   4
        4.1     Reference model 4
        4.2     Scrambling  5
        4.3     Access control 5
5     User requirements  5
        5.1     Anti-hacking strength of a cipher for scrambler and descrambler 5
        5.2     Security  5
        5.3     Selection of common or private scrambling algorithm   5
        5.4     Access modes  5
        5.5     Equipment standardization  6
        5.6     Access management 6
        5.7     Avoidance of interruptions to the service  6
6     Entitlement control messages (ECMs) 6
7     Entitlement management messages (EMMs) 6
8     Receiver access control functionality  7
Appendix 1 to Annex 1     8
1     Description of �Roscrypt� system   11
        1.1     Functional and technical features of �Roscrypt�: 11
        1.2     Other: 12
2     Description of �CAS-R� system   12
        2.1     Purpose of the system   12
        2.2     Requirement of CAS-R and its deliberative systems  12
        2.3     Requirement for security module  13
        2.4     A detailed description of the system is provided in the following document 13
3     Description of the �IEC 62455 with DVB systems�  13