The case of Korea: the quantification of GHG reduction effects achieved by ICTs
Table of contents
1 Introduction
2 Potentials of GHG abatement by ICT services
2.1 GHG reduction effects by ICT services
2.2 Existing studies and initiatives for GHG abatement and their limitations
3 Korea's situation
3.1 Currents status of ICT industries
3.2 Current status of GHG emissions
3.3 Policies and regulations for climate change mitigation
3.4 Approach for the abatement of GHG emission in ICT industry
4 Approach and methodology in this report
4.1 Methodology development
4.2 Selection of ICT services
5 Second order effects of GHG emission abatement by ICT services (use stage)
5.1 Estimated GHG emission reductions by each ICT service
5.1.1 Real-time navigation (RTN)
5.1.2 Bus information system (BIS)
5.1.3 E-logistics
5.1.4 Telepresence
5.1.5 Home energy management system (HEMS)
5.1.6 Smart grid
5.1.7 E-commerce
5.1.8 E-government
5.1.9 E-civil service
5.1.10 E-health care
5.1.11 Digital content
5.1.12 Smart motor
5.1.13 E-learning
5.1.14 Smart work
5.2 ICT services as abatement enablers
6 Conclusions and way forward