Digital signage: the right informationin all the right places
Table of contents
I. Introduction
2. Market, content and applications
2.1 Point of Wait: corporate, education, hospitality, healthcare and banking
2.2 Point of Sale: ads, kiosks, branding TV
2.3 Point of Transit: traveller information and advertising on the go
3. Overview of digital signage technology
3.1 Display - the digital sign
3.2 Media players
3.3 Content management systems / content delivery systems
4. Trends in digital signage
4.1 Increasing pervasiveness, interactivity and consumer engagement
4.2 Biometric recognition of consumers
4.3 An experience for all senses?
4.4 Cloud-based digital signage
5. Digital signage standards landscape
5.1 POPAI - The Global Association for Marketing at Retail
5.2 Intel Open Pluggable Specification
5.3 Open Digital Signage / W3C SMIL
5.4 Digital signage privacy standards of the Digital Signage Federation
5.5 ITU-T Study Group 16
5.6 Other associations and initiatives
6. Conclusion
List of abbreviations