ICT as an Enabler for Smart Water Management
Table of contents
I. Introduction
II. Relationship Between Water, Energy and Climate Change
III. The Water Footprint Concept
IV. Smart Water Management
4.1 Mapping of water resources and weather forecasting
4.2 Just in time irrigation in agriculture and landscaping
4.3 Asset management for the water distribution network
4.4 Setting up early warning systems and meeting water demand in cities of the future
V. Standards for smart water initiatives
5.1 Weather Forecasting and Climate Monitoring
5.2 Emergency Communications
5.3 Consumer Interface for Smart Grids
5.4 Smart Metering
5.5 GIS Standards
5.6 Semantic Sensor Web
5.7 Water Mark Up Language (ML) 2.0 Standard and Water Data Transfer Format Standard
Glossary of acronyms
ANNEX 1: Water footprint of a business
ANNEX 2: Smart Grid For Malta
ANNEX 3: Use of GIS in Water Distribution Network Management inSaudi Arabia
ANNEX 4: Geographical Information System (GIS) Portals