Case study: Re-use of consumer goods and tools loaning
List of Figures and Tables
Case Study 1 – Toronto Tool Library and Sharing Depot
Case Study 2 – London: The Library of Things
Case Study 3 – Delhi: From worn-out /discarded textiles to premium ware
Case Study 4 – Munich: Halle 2 second-hand store as a hotspot of the local circular economy
Case Study 5 – Sustainable sharing platform and facility for urban consumers
Figure 1: Illustration of different types of economy (Ministry of the Environment, 2016)
Figure 2: The initial experiment of the Library of Things
Figure 3: The demonstrator phase of the Library of Things
Figure 4: Smart borrowing kiosk
Figure 5: The Library of Things General Stakeholder System Map (Ameli, 2017)
Figure 6: Examples of discarded textiles
Figure 7: Examples of Kantha of West Bengal
Figure 8: Gabbas of Kashmir
Figure 9: Smart 24/7 sharing facility, tool library service and more comprehensive local sharing platform