No. 940 |
15.IX.2009 |
(Information received by 9 September 2009) |
General information
Lists annexed to the ITU Operational Bulletin: Note
from TSB
Approval of Recommendations ITU-T
Extra-territorial use of Mobile Country Code (MCC) and
Mobile Network Code (MNC): Note
from TSB
Telephone Service:
Denmark (National IT and Telecom Agency (NITA)),
Egypt (National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA)),
Kazakhstan (Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for
Informatization and Communication),
Solomon Islands (Solomon Telekom Co. Ltd), Honiara
Sri Lanka (Telecommunications Regulatory Commission),
Vanuatu (Vanuatu Interim Telecommunications
Regulator), Port Vila
Telex Service: Bulgaria (Bulgarian
Telecommunications Company Plc. (BTC), Sofia: Cessation of telex
Changes in the Administrations/ROAs and other entities
or Organizations:
Bahamas (Public Utilities Commission (PUC), Nassau):
Changes in name and in address
Colombia (Ministerio de Comunicaciones, Bogota): Change
in name
Ecuador (Consejo Nacional de Telecomunicaciones
(CONATEL) � Secretar�a Nacional de Tele-
comunicaciones (SENATEL), Quito): Change in address
Fiji (Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Trade and
Communications, Suva): Change in name
Jamaica (Ministry of Mining and Telecommunications,
Kingston): Change in name
Kenya (Celtel Kenya Ltd, Nairobi): Change in address
Mexico (Secretar�a de Comunicaciones y Transportes,
M�xico): Change in address
Paraguay (Comisi�n Nacional de Telecomunicaciones
(CONATEL), Asunci�n): Change in
Rwanda (Ministry in the Office of the President in
Charge of Science and Technology, Kigali):
Change in name
South Africa (Telkom SA Ltd, Pretoria): Change in
Turkey (T�rk Telekom�nikasyon A.S., Ankara): Change in
Other Communications:
Serbia (Ministry of Telecommunications and Information
Society, Belgrade)
Montenegro (Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs
and Telecommunications, Podgorica)
Service Restrictions: Note from TSB
Call-Back and alternative calling procedures (Res. 21
Rev. PP-2002): Note from TSB
Amendments to service
List of Coast Stations (List IV)
List of Ship Stations (List V) 29
Mobile Network Code (MNC) for the international
identification plan for public networks and
List of International Signalling Point Codes (ISPC)
National Numbering Plan
of Signalling Area/Network Codes (SANC) (Complement to ITU-T Recommendation
Q.708 (03/99))
(Position on 15 September 2009)